Tuesday, November 21, 2006

WOW Terje's first descent

seen this on youtube and what can i say this man has some major balls...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Callum does Bratz

here is Callum doing his Bratz "so good " dance, this was about 1.30 am ..

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Campaign for free Wi Fi

The gadget show "my favourite" has started a campaign for free wi fi for all... sign on now

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Urban Sprinting

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Now i know where the wife gets it from

Now i know where my wife gets it from, here is my wife on a recent visit to the Braes,

what am i going to do with the pair of them???

Mother in law is at it again

oh no thanks to one of my regular visitors they had seen my mother in law out on her own again, this is her down the fountain gardens "she said to her carer that she was away to asda"

Been ill

sorry not been on recently i have had the cold the majority of this week and my head has been banging....

anyways on with the show...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

My wee pal

its been one year since my wee pal, my dog Chelsea was put down for having a tumour in her head right above her nose.

Its strange how sometime you open the front door and look forward to recieveing a great welcome only to be greeted with silence and memories..

now some people might say it's just a dog but she was so much more, a companion, something that listened and understood and her love never faltered for me or my family. devoted to the last...

i miss her.........

Sunday, October 22, 2006

My Desktop

since i am on the subject of my pc here is a snapshot of my desktop

cool wallpapers

I used to look for nice wallpapers when i first started with computers and just had a search for some and every site was full of crap advertising, sign up pages and basically crap wallpapers..
try http://www.tss2000.nl

click on the top of the page wallpapers or themes??
they have loads of resources some nice babe ones too which the wife wont let me put on lol
no seriously there are some crackers worth using on your machine go nice with brico pack


Just got my new laptop the other day there after my other one was sent back to novatech for a new processor, i still didnt have it back after 28 working days so they agreed to send me a new one, roughly along the same specs as my old one...
well thanks to paisleycomputercentre.com they managed to get me a cracking machine lovely looking and as fast as....
i like to tinker with the whole xp look and feel and have decided to try bricopacks crystal Xp pack its brilliant looking and well worth trying yourself
makes your machine look funky and the good thing about it is it doesnt slow down...

Thursday, October 19, 2006


What a load of crap the whole Renfrewshire Housing Association thing was, some guy decided that we were all going to vote Yes "which is what i did" and everything was in the bag... they spent loads of money telling us that we all should vote yes..

but what did everyone do??

well the majority voted NO!!!! well done honestly im glad it went that way in hindsite as it made a few asses out of people that didnt think people actually cared as one of the guys who telephoned me said .. i think its a win win situation as no one has told me that they would vote NO... ha

remember im not political by any means and nor do i actually understand the reprecusions of what has happened all i know is that a huge amount of cash was wasted and i have a new fridge magnet, and i still have the same roof over my head, just dont have a nice shiny new kitchen thanks to you NO voters lol.... buggers

Deal or no Deal

Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue what am i talking about???

erm i dunno but i was swept away with last weeks visit to Bristol to the deal or no deal audience, it was brilliant.

Very profesionally done and a great wee day too, we went to three shows which will be screened 19th November, 20th november and the 21st

look out for me in the shows im the one with the big willy ..... aye right well its what i keep telling the wife, it seems to make her laugh for some reason or another so i must be a pretty funny guy....

anyways where was i.. oh yes Bristol, great city and very expensive, we met up with some irish guy, a welsh guy an english man "what a combination" and a Jamaican guy... they couldnt understand a word all us Scots said (probably cause we were pished all weekend) but it was a great laugh and something we will probably do again...

remember no deal, blue blue, blue....

Monday, October 09, 2006

nudist trampolining

This one was sent in by lordfitch its another wee time waster game…




highly addictive, read the how to play before starting


have a nice Monday ;-(

Sunday, October 08, 2006

google earth

Just noticed that the new beta version of google earth now has Glasgow done, it used to be all crappy looking bit now its as clear as the Paisley area..





yabeauty cmon scotland

Brilliant result for Scotland, what a team "you would never have heard that during berties reign" Scotland beat the frogs 1-0 brilliant..


last night we went to the wifes friends aunites suprise 40th birthday, and as usual the budweiser got the better of my senses and made me do my now infamous strip to the waist during the song "from paris to berlin" and everytime it was played my unwilling drunk body raised its naked self on the dance floor, very embarising for my poor wife lol

we then went back to one of the neighbours houses in blackford, and partied till about 5am and i made more of a fool of myself by wrestling with 3- 4 woman on the floor "sounds dirty doesnt it" well it wasnt the floor was clean lol and we all kept our clothes on and the wife was there to make sure they didnt hurt me lol

woke up today at 2pm with a stinking hangover headache, couple of sudafed sure sorted that out...

Friday, October 06, 2006

bubble shooter

Couldn’t get off this one…





looks easy to start with but then gets very hard..


whack the zombie



another cracking wee game it’s a bit annoying at times when you click on the ads by mistake..

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mother I Law

I showed the Mother in law her picture on her 50th birthday "below"

do you know what she had to say to that???

I know terrible and i though it was nice to let everyone know it was her birthday... some people

tank game

Hard as anything but fun great for lunchtime’s



Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Indian version of Killer


50 Today happy birthday Mother in law

Audrey "my mother in law" is FIFTY TODAY so just to say Happy Birthday, "ive already stuck balloons and banners on her door as she wanted no one to know he he ..." I could be cruel and post a picture of her on the web too but im much too kind for that lol

wait a minute no im not here she is ...

New Website

Just done a new website for a local Christian group in Paisley called the Christian Growth Centre they are based in the old Sally army place on Broomlands Street, they are a great bunch of people....

their website is still being populated but here is the address for future reference


Climbing wall

Me and Mark went up to the Braehead Xscape on Sunday to the climbing wall, great stuff.

My arms were killing me after the first ascent up the climbing wall, which is just as oyu walk into Xscape so everyone see's you and stands and watches which is a bit strange as when your up the hills there is nobody to see how stupid you are and look lol

We were having a wee competition to see if i could do ones that Mark couldnt .. and done them easy peasy in your face Logan lol...

we might go back up on tuesday but we will see as its my mother in laws 50th Birthday...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Flash Rider Game

Found this wee gem on the net it’s a cracker had me hooked all lunchtime..



Thursday, September 28, 2006

Porn star Name

And the old favourite the porn star name mine is Dicky Peachybutt

try it here


The Birth Defect Name Generator

My Defect's name is Brain Fart the dribble undies.
Take The Birth Defect Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Billy Badboy Whipple

Have you got your trailer trash name yet??

Mine is pretty cool, I think I might change through deed pole


whats your name??

mine is Billy Badboy Whipple

my sons is Wayne Whipple

and my wifes is Jolene Crossbones

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


What a couple of days I have had, all my servers went down and every client called just about at the same time, and then called every hour of most of the day up until the back of 12 last night and the back of 6 this morning…


Thank goodness that its all back to normal and I can get some work done.


Joe from www.plasterclass.co.uk  is cracking on big time with the loft and I also had some help with my lights from Robert at Signo Lighting www.signo-lighting.com as well as all my materials purchased via Pacific Building www.pacificbuilding.co.uk who saved me a packet so Thanks Brian, its good to have some good help and advice available….


Now for some much needed restless sleep…

Websites Update 13.11

all website and email now live...

Friday, September 22, 2006

First Video Blog

RHA - Renfrewshire Council

I received my formal ballot paper through this morning for the transfer of the housing stock from Renfrewshire Council to the new Renfrewshire Housing Association, now I like others have been bombarded by leaflets, dvd’s people chapping your door, telephone calls, you name it its happened..


Its all about moving to another private landlord to effect..


And it does matter that I have read all the leaflets etc but to be honest wouldn’t things just be the same if I voted No!!?


I ask you to think carefully about what and how you vote, don’t just say Yes because that’s what the majority of leaflets say you do, and don’t just say no because some socialist guy says you do


Think about it yourself and do vote, but make sure its in your interest and not someone else’s that  motivate your choice…


I will be voting Yes, not that the promise of a new kitchen or that my rent will stay low “aye right” Im just happy for it to be moved to the RHA but  they are certainly in for a hard time if they fail us.. I will make sure of that…



Got a massive headache this morning, and awoke to 2 kids screaming and laughing "had my neice stay last night" they 2 are crazy, even worse i have my 2 sisters kids to watch next saturday as the wife and all the wuman "aye i meant to spell it like that" have an Anne Summers party arranged by my wee sister, so they will be talking about Rampant Rabbits and i will be talking about Peter Rabbit ha..

Also I want to take my other wee nephew on the friday night as Ive not seen him much the last few weeks, him and his wee brother "both of them are cute as hell" so next week will be a kid zone in my house, I must be a glutton for punishment lol..

had a wee problem with my son this week in school, he kept coming back with a full lunchbox which is not like him as he loves his food especially since their were biscuits in the lunchbox...

anyways every morning before we go to school he has said he didnt want to go and tried kidding on he wasnt well, now obviously this isnt a good sign, so i spoke to his teacher and she said he was always weary of the lunchtime rush with all the kids racing to get to their lunchbox before any other kid, and my poor wee guy being last because he doesnt like crowds especially crowds of kids "who could blame him" anyways i took him down showed him where to put his lunchbox and the classroom assistant helped him at lunchtime.

At the end of the day he was so happy and a big relief from me, so fingers crossed everything is sorted with him, its amazing how such a small thing can be a huge hurdle for such a young person....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

new website

I’m doing a new website for a group in Clydebank www.bankietalk.com who do the cassettes for people who are visually impaired or blind, they are quite a special group in such a way as these people give up their spare time to read the newspaper and books etc to record it onto tapes and cds then post them out to the countless numbers of people who rely on their kindness every day to keep in touch with the world through the media…


They rely totally on donations and funding, so if you could help them or spare a bit of time get in touch www.bankietalk.com look out for the new website…

deal or no deal

Got my tickets trough to appear in the audience in Bristol at the Deal or no Deal studios next month, my mum is a huge fan so that’s what made me apply for tickets, so I got 4 so a couple of days away which sounds good to me wheyhey..

Monday, September 18, 2006

Paisley Distress

I read in the Paisley distress today about the vandalism of Robert Tanahills grave, how shocking is this that people can do this what kicks do they get out of it?? I wonder, i see it all the time in the paper about people desecrating other peoples graves, is there not any security at cemetries ??? maybe there should be .. we are supposed to be at peace when we die..

what goes around comes around as i say, so hopefully these people have it coming to them...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

paulo nutini

Just listened to paulo nutini's album, and i tell you what a talented guy, his album is fantastic a must for any person to listen to and buy.. and the guy is from Paisley too, now when i started the famous people section in paisley.org.uk i only had one or two people in the section, now with young talent coming through like this paisley should be proud once again....

go on Paulo your the man... guid luck

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Ice cream van in Fegie

honest this is the ice cream van that went aboot fegie when i stayed there lol

Scottish Ice Cream Lady - video powered by Metacafe

Monday, September 11, 2006

weekend blues

I love weekends.. I hate Mondays, see I’m just the same as you.

What a day on Saturday, I went down to the doors open day to get some culture, I arranged through the Paisley site to meet anyone wishing to turn up at 2pm in front of the Paisley Abbey “as the previous night we had a kind of chat party on paisley.org.uk it was great fun “

Anyways My pal Scott turned up at the town hall and we decided to have a wander about the Town hall, strange how many doors were open this year, last year they closed off too many parts and it was a shame..

This year however we got a right good look about, some of the back bits of the town hall are very grubby and in need of some good attention but I suppose it comes down to budget…

Off to Paisley Abbey, this is my favourite building of all time.. I love it.. Inside is a relaxing, calming atmosphere and shrouded in great history and is full of stories, one tour guide gave us quite a story about the ornate roof that decorates the far side of the abbey, it’s amazing… if anyone has not been inside paisley abbey get in there it’s great..

Then we decided to indulge in a bit of culture, of course you guessed it, The Bull here we come after sampling some culture in there we noticed the arts centre was next on the list, superb… some more glasses culture in fact than we anticipated…

So we decided to head up towards the museum, yep you guessed it we ended up in Hamish’s hoose www.hamisheshoose.com lol how did we manage that, a that’s right my belly got the better of me and I wanted some smashin steak pie, but unfortunately for me the kitchen was closed…

So it was a change of plan, we had our fill of culture now I wanted steak pie… I know the Wallace lets go there…

A couple of bottles of culture and no steak pie on the menu… Lets go to Café Borgia…

At last steak pie on the menu, and the footballs on the TV, sorted…. Oh and some beautiful barmaids “café Borgia has the best looking barmaids anywhere in the town” the steak pie was great “maybe a bit more gravy would have been better” so we decided to continue with our plan to head towards the museum, yep you guessed it too late… what a shame lol lets go to Russels Uni bar….

After that we head up the road to our two good woman, who kindly agree to let us continue our day of culture and let us head back to the lights of Paisley, to continue our interesting and fun day…

Where did we end up???

Somewhere with plenty of Culture?? Well maybe not

Club Slapper, Vienas, Club 30, Toledo whatever you call it…

Happy days….

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Anthony Nolan Trust Update

Got my letter back this morning from the Anthony Nolan Trust and it seems that I am a 95% match for a donor, obviously they have to look for a 100% donor which would be better, but I am a match in any case so it shouldn’t be long before I hear back again for the final testing and then the operation to transplant my stem cells to the recipient, if and when it does happen..


Unless of course the 100% match is found…


Remember you can help someone today by signing up for the Anthony Nolan Trust to become a bone marrow donor today…


Visit http://www.anthonynolan.org.uk/

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Death of our troops

It saddens me to hear of more British Soldiers getting killed in conflicts in the middle east, being an X-squaddie myself I know what the colleges of the dead will be feeling right now.


We should feel very proud of what those guys are going through right now… Support our troops God knows they need it…


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


What a washout today is, the weather is rain rain rain.. the clouds are lower than my window lol


Took the wee man to school this morning and before that we had a couple of arguments, you know “im not wearing that jacket” “I don’t want that for my lunch” etc so he got to the school gates and burst out crying, well I have never felt so rotten and had to go and pick him up at 3pm to see if he was alright, which of course he was kids get over these things quicker than adults, we will mull over our decision to shout at him for not doing as their told, kids will take it on the chin and get on with it…




Took him to the dentist this afternoon, our dentist is in Foxbar and the dentist himself is spot on, he has things down to a T as you don’t wait, your straight in, seen, fixed and back out… My son thinks he is great and always wants to go “strange isn’t it lol”


I have to go all the time as I have one tooth that is a major problem sometimes as it has a swollen area on the gum above it that is infected and where it is, will be a nightmare to fix.. so many a trip to the ol dentist for me …


Back to looking at the rain out the window whilst working…

Monday, September 04, 2006

the price of energy

I can’t believe the price of our electricity at the moment, I have a pre payment meter “powercard” and recently my money has been running away, take last night for instance we just had the pc on, the tv and sky box with a  few lights on here and there.


I looked at the meter and it said 14pence in credit, well I nearly s*** myself and drove as quick as I could to the local shop and back which is about five minutes round trip, by the time I came back the meter said 04 pence… just made it


So basically I had 5.04 pence in my meter at 9pm last night…


Now I looked again today at 12pm now no one was in the house all morning and we never had anything on during the night.. we had 3.70 left ??? now where did it go??


How are old buddies going to get along this winter, I am seriously worried for them, they will be sitting with the heating off and loads of clothes wrapped around them, and I will tell you something I fear for what will happen to a lot of them…


What’s going on, im not really political but this government need to get kicked out and/or get something done… it’s a shambles…


Bloody energy crisis…..  


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Being quiet

Ive been quite quiet this week, not like me im sure you will agree.

Been mostly busy with work driving here to this client and then to the next, hopefully this week will see me have more spare time..

Even had a quiet weekend so far, yesterday i went to the pub with my father in law and brother in law down to the Lord Lounsdale and watched Scotland beat some diddy team "lol" 6-0 the fitba wasnt that great but hey you cant grumble at the score.. well done lads...

Back up the road for about 7pm where we had a full house so we sat for a few more beers before my beers caught up with me about 11pm then i had to go to bed..

Going across to dumbarton today to fix a pc then i will probably have a few more beers when i come back lol

well it is the weekend..

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Buachaille Etive Mor

Saturday we left at 5.30am to go scrambling "hillwalking/climbing" up on Buachaille Etive Mor just up at Glen Coe.

I have done this mountain quite a few times but always with the so called tourist route which is fairly easy and a brilliant walk, our proposed route for today was to take us up what is called curved ridge which is a moderate scramble up the face of the mountain.

The day was very wet and miserable, with visibility being very poor so we set off me, the father in law and my cousin up towards curved ridge "see photo" once we got up to the base of the mountain it became clear we could not see the distinguishing feature we were looking for to start the ascent, so we kept walking until we seen something that resembled where we were to start.

We got to a bit which looked right we checked our reference books and also met up with 3 other climbers who were about to do the same climb and they also said that this looked like the start.

Off we went up the scree "loose rocks" towards the first face, we started to climb up "now remember we don't have ropes as its a scramble and no ropes are needed" it was clear that this was going to be a different kind of scramble due to the slippery nature of the rocks, and to make matters worse those little shits the midge's were in mass and biting like mad "nightmare".

We managed to get up the first part alright but it was pretty treacherous and dangerous, but we have done things like this in the past and this was no different to some, we kept going and quickly realised we were not in the correct area, so we decided to keep going until we seen "bear in mind we were in cloud at this point" something that resembled our route.

Up we went higher and higher and at this point we were slipping and finding it really hard to get up the rock face, we all had slips that could have easily have left us to our death "and I'm not kidding" which is when one of our party took a panic attack and his legs went to jelly. I quickly took hold of the situation and calmed him down whilst trying to get him moving across some of the gully and rock we were on, not just so he was safer, but because the bloody midges were having a feast on my eyes.

We continued to go on until one of our guys took another panic attack and freezed on the side of the rock. It was clear that we could not and should not go any further, but a general rule of scrambling or climbing is that what you go up is not really what you should go down as its very hard and very dangerous. But that's what we had to do before we were in real trouble.

Luckily the father in law brought some slings with him, which could help our descent, the other three guys went first and steadily went down with us following.

I tell you it was a nightmare, any little slide and you were gone, and trust me we were all sliding like mad, so we decided to come down mainly on our bums to steady us and be able to see where we were going in places, not the easiest.

Half way down and the Father in law goes over on his ankle and has major problems continuing as he cant put weight on his ankle, we continue slowly down the mountain.

and the last part was a flat wall which we had to use the slings to down climb, because i was experienced and was the only able one i had to climb down first to make sure there were no problems that we should encounter, our first route which i rekied "not sure of the spelling" was a sheer drop so i found another area to go down. it took us a good bit to get down and an hour to get back to the car. i have include a picture to show you our route and believe me where we were was pretty high up and very exposed... nightmare day but one that was thoroughly enjoyable, better than sitting in front of the computer lol

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

First day at School

It was my wee guys first day at school this morning and how proud are me and the wife, there are no words to say to convey how proud we are of him, he took everything in his stride and looked to be enjoying himself.


He has all his nice new clothes on, “all the kids looked very smart indeed” and had his hair all spiked and cut, sorry I can’t post any pictures to show you as I don’t think its appropriate for minors to be put online.. protect the innocent I say..


Wont be long before we get the call for me to go up to school to see the teacher because he has been up to some mischief lol time is a ticking…


Poor teacher left alone with my son….



It was my 2nd Anniversary yesterday 2 long years lol


We have been together now for 11 years and we decided to get married well after our son was born so we were a proper family and not just by common law. We were married in Paisley Abbey had a lovely ceremony and a brilliant day. I couldn’t have met a more grumpier woman If I had tried he he eherm I mean I couldn’t have met a more brilliant woman if I tried.


So we had a nice relaxing meal and had a lovely evening, its not the same when things fall on a Monday especially since it was my first day back at work and boy did I have a pile of emails sitting waiting for me, it took me all day to answer them..


I am also working on my new website which will supersede squiro online it is www.itresource.org I tried messing with it last year to see how it would work out and it worked a treat..


So shortly Squiro Online will grow up and become no more which will be quite sad but it’s a necessary deed..


Friday, August 18, 2006

Scottish Weather - Camping

Wednesday 16th: Ahh the Glorious Scottish weather, its sunny at the moment what can i do?? I have a few days off left and i know lets go camping..

One of our friends has all the gear and will lend us everything for me, the wife, the son and our niece to go camping.

Our friend suggests a lovely spot not far from Dunoon "I’m not telling you exactly where its a secret, so if you want to know email me" she gives us sketchy directions so say the least but since i am very good with directions I’m sure i can find the place..

Off we go with a car load of stuff which beggars belief, when i was in the army we had a sleeping bag and a poncho and a spade not forgetting our lovely ration packs.. but Civilian camping you need, seats, a table, washing up stuff which includes a basin, ground sheets, BLOW UP BEDS, sleeping bags, PILLOWS, cool box, night lights, torches, stoves, pots, pans, frying pan, and the list goes on... we also took enough clothes to keep everyone going for a week..

I took 2 pairs of shorts, two t shirts, a pair of boots and something to keep me warm and dry that was it lol

anyways where was i .. oh yes Christine’s directions "named and shamed" go along this road and you will see an entrance into a field next to a stream .. that was it lol

as we got there, there were hundreds of fields, with streams in one out of five Shit....

and as we are in the middle of nowhere our phones don’t work lol

anyways after much driving back and forward to dunoon to get a reception we find the place, right next to the beach, and a fresh water stream and its got the best scenery ever.. well done Christine your off the hook "i might still kill you though just for being daft".

Now have you ever set up a tent without instructions?? no!! Well its not the easiest i can tell you, after much swearing and cursing i get the tent up, get my beers firmly planked into the stream to cool down "the fridge as i called it" we sit down make a fire and chill out for the night, the kids absolutely loved it. The weather was great...

After a good night’s sleep we wake up roasting as the weather is great again, so we decide to get ready and head to Dunoon for a wee drive.

As we get closer to Dunoon we drive straight into a rain storm, what is going on?? SCOTTISH WEATHER, we decide to head back and discover the rains just as bad where we were camped?? how can this be we left it basking in the sun...

Now as i am fetching some firewood i can hear the thunder coming over the hills "what’s that coming over the hill is it a monster, lol" and it was a monster a monster downpour..

what a miserable couple of hours we had huddled in the tent, bloody terrible, then the lighting sounds as if it’s going to strike the tent literally so we clamber in to the car and decide enough is enough, so we de-camp in the middle of a torrential downpour and head home.. bloody rubbish...


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Dash

I’ve been to a lot of Funerals, but there is none more touching than the Humanist ceremonies which actually speak and celebrate the persons life. The guy who does the humanist funerals at Woodside is great, very touching but yet very funny as you hear about how the person spent their life, not going on about some person we have never met and telling us to idolise something we will never see.


The reason we are there at the funeral is for that person and that person’s family.


There is always a wee poem that he reads out which always touches me and I’m sure everyone else in the chapel, its called the Dash its very emotional.


It was sent to me by someone who themselves is having such a torrid time in their life at the moment, so please reflect on the changes you could possibly make once you have seen this small movie.







Monday, August 14, 2006

Hillwalking Beinn Eich

Sunday morning we set off about 7am up towards Luss se could go hill walking with Junior squiro, niece squiro, The wife and her friend... and the father in law who is a very experienced hill walker.

We decided to walk round a horse shoe shaped mountain/hill called Beinn Eich which is about 734 metres above sea level so fairly high. It was a lovely day with the sun beating down quite hard especially so early in the morning.

It was a fairly hard ascent to the top and then a nice leisurely walk around the horse shoe shaped hill. 6 hours later we strolled back into Luss which is a gorgeous wee village just off Ben Lomond had an ice cream and then drove back home.

The 2 kids done brilliant once again and could put most adults to shame with their determination and strength.. well done ;-)

Sealife Centre Loch Lomond

We went to the new Sea life Centre at Loch Lomond Shores http://www.sealifeeurope.com/ on Friday with me the wife, junior squiro, niece squiro and nephew squiro, cost us £22 for the family ticket and went into start our "Journey".

I think your supposed to have a guide but it was pretty busy so we decided to go alone and discover the underwater world alone.

You start off at the ground floor "there are 7 floors" and you see the otter enclosure some fish in the aquarium and some more fish, nice but nothing amazing. Then you are led up to the 2nd floor where there is a lecture about fish "1 video and telly" not so amazing considering the age of the children we had with us, so the next stop was level 6 and the cafe/cinema where we asked the girl who served us, excuse me we came in seen a couple of fish and we got to this point following your directions, she said well that’s basically it..... What £22 and we have seen a couple of otters lol......

Anyways we decided to get the lift back down and came out into an abundance of sea life "the other side of the ground floor aquarium... now your talking it was amazing, touch pools for the kids a massive pool with glass so you could see all sorts of Rays, sharks, cray fish etc etc.. the kids loved it then you seen other pools and aquariums full of allsorts "nemo" seahorses jelly fish crabs, etc etc and then a spectacular underwater tunnel with sharks and fish above you.. now this was worth the money and quite amazing.

thankfully we found our way as at first it looked very disappointing..

i would recommend you visit this if you have the time especially with young kids.. brilliant..
We then went to the Loch Lomond shores shopping centre which is really nice, we had a browse about then i decided to take the two older kids on a canoe into the Loch "you can hire them £15 for the hour" the two kids were a bit unsure at first but after five minutes on the open water they loved it...

we then went on a wee train drive around the complex seen millions of midges "local wildlife" and then back to the car.. the kids loved the whole day experience and i would go back again...

lots for the kids to do and for adults alike...

Edinburgh Zoo

Went to the zoo last week with the Family, a nice fun day out, the zoo was busy as, so we had to park a million miles away.

we arrived in the afternoon so all the animals had had their lunch and were all busy trying to hide and sleep so all we seen mainly were trees, lol i kept saying to Juniour squiro "look theres a tree" seriously though Edinburgh zoo is great and it doesnt matter how many times you go its still as good.

here is a picture of me in the mirror. http://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terrorist Plot

What news we all woke up to this morning, The Terrorist scum are threatining to destroy inoccent lives across the British sky's by blowing up planes en-route to America and with many towns and villages "locherbie" being below the flighpath including Paisley who knows what we could have woken up to if the security forces "well done lads" hadnt found out about it overnight from America.

We should all be vigilant against this threat to society and protect our family's.

It was also good to see Douglas Alexander a local polotician sitting on such a high stage at todays conference with John Reid, Im sure he has done the country proud withhis actions too.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Paisley Active

So much for being on holiday, ive been stuck in front of the machine all day getting my new section Paisley Active up and running for the paisley.org.uk website, I received some donations last week and decided to get things moving on the website, I have always imagined the site to be accesible and functional, well so far its functional "the accesible part will be next" i used to have different sections of software thrown together "im was learning" so people had to log in to this and then to that.

No more anyways i think its great have a look and see what you think, www.paisley.org.uk/active/ its still got a lot to go in but this should be the dogs....

its great when your head isnt getting clogged up with work and you can just get things done...

Its the zoo tomorrow .. the zoo tomorrow .. were all going to the zoo tomorrow la la la... ta dum

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Thanks to Rayleen for this one, this text is taken from Rayleen's website, all for the Anthony Nolan Trust cause.


"Here is not the place to give commercial business a free plug but in this case I am making an exception, Easyjet have a new charity of the year, this year I am delighted to say is the year of Anthony Nolan trust a charity very close to my heart. If you click on the link below you will be taken to the Easyjet webpage charity section where it explains, click on the Anthony Nolan Logo and Easyjet will donate 25p to the Trust at no extra cost to you! SO Donate the Easyway and get click happy!
Spread the word!"

Monday, August 07, 2006

Holidays - Falkirk Wheel

Well started my fortnight off today, thank goodness..

I am just going to spend the time with family travelling around the place and visiting places where you dont normally go or dont have the time to go to normally...

Day 1 we had a right good long lie in and then i decided to go to the falkirk wheel, which due to good fortune we bumped into one of the local boat captains on the way to the Falkirk Wheel visitor centre http://www.thefalkirkwheel.co.uk/ who asked us if we had booked a trip "which we hadnt " so he said he had some room and was going for a wee trip down the canal to lock 16 then back up then up the wheel itself..

a nice relaxing cruise in the Bonny Barge with Billy Mason http://www.sustainable-scotland.com/bonnybarge.htm which was excellent, i took the wife and junior squiro and they thouroughly enjoyed themselves.

The whell itself is a catelever system and is as smooth as anything, you dont even feel as if your moving when its going...

i would recommend you go for a day out and give Billy a wee shout..

Captain Billy Mason "picture taken by Junior squiro"

Sunday, August 06, 2006

St Mirren

Top of the league whoo hoo ..

I took my son to his first football game yesterday he is 5 years old and daft about football.. So I thought first game of the season at love street, flag unfurling of the div 1 champs.. Why not...

I used to be a very loyal Saints fan when I was 15,16,17 before I joined the army so I was no stranger to Love street. I gave up supporting them though when David Hay signed Chic Charnley.. boy was that the last straw

Anyways I took Juniour squiro along and he loved it the crowd was great, the football was great and a great result which took the saints to the top of the SPL not bad eh "alright I know there has only been 2 games"

We sat in the Reid Kerr East stand which is family based, the pie and bovril was spot on and the weather was pretty hot so Lewis now wants a St Mirren top and wants to go every week.. Spot on...

So keep it up St Mirren do Paisley proud...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Anthony Nolan Trust

I have been on the Anthony Nolan Trust list for about a year or so, i registered via the website http://www.anthonynolan.org.uk/ and it was a fairly straight forward exercise, involving a wee trip to the doctors for a blood sample.

I was prompted to do so by a young girl who lived in Bishopton dying of Lukemia and it saddened me to think there was nothing you could do to help, until a heard about the Anthony Nolan Trust Bone marrow stem cell donors that actually can make a difference to peoples lives or saving their lives..

Anyway i dont know if its good news or not, good news that i am suitable but bad news that someone is in dire need...

I am a match for someone and I have started the stage 2 process which involves more blood samples to check for definite that i am a match, and then possibly a trip to London to do the business and give someone a chance of life...

Please register for the Trust by visiting their website http://www.anthonynolan.org.uk/ and help someone "possibly" in the future...


Downtrodden Paisley Toon

read this post by GOMMER spot on i say



What a nightmare week, due to the incompetent people of NTL. First on Monday afternoon there is a strange noise from my modem then all of a sudden it stops working.

I phone up NTL and they say they cant help me as my account is now the 10mb service so they will have to change my account details and then get an engineer out to fit a new modem. Which will take 3 days ...

now I have never been without the internet for more than a few hours never mind three days..

anyways he arrives checks my existing modem says its alright and sends a text and voila he says its alright...


he concedes and fits a new modem... he checks it and says right that's you sorted..

thanks my man... Lets surf..

whoops no internet...

I phone up the ntl number where you get some guy from Newcastle who talks for about an hour before saying whoops this number no longer exists please dial blah blah.. Then the line goes dead,......


phone it again listen for an hour then get through to some technical foreigner who cant bloody understand me.. Anyway I have the wrong pin and I should call customer services

right customer services it is... Automated guy again .. 1 hour later.. Hello welcome to NTHELL how cant I help you...

I answer my name - account - pass - address - date of birth - my last jobee and then he says sorry sir you will have to call back in an hour as we "wish to piss you off some more" are having problems with our systems.. No kidding...


1 hour later to the second

right automated guy piss off and let me talk to a human from preferably this country..

I answer all the questions and ask for my pin number to be changed which the guy does, he then says when you put in the disk it will ask you for your pin...

what disk???? I ask

oh you should have received a disk through the post since your a new customer...

arrrggghhh im not a new customer I have been one for years just get me online ya futwit

sorry sir I will send you through the disk it should arrive with you within 3 to 4 days ...


I hang up and borrow a neighbours disk and then it gives me error after error.. bloody NThell I hate them, I hate them, I hate them,

anyways since I am an IT genius I thought I would share this info with you and show you that sometimes or more the case most times its not your fault but the Futwits at NTHELL

if you can make a choice "which I cant because its the only cable provider" then I suggest going with someone else and done let NTHell darken your door...

but im back online thanks to my superior genius lol

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What a week

Sorry for not posting this week, I have not really had time to fart never mind post to the Blog.

Mrs Squiro, junior squiro and niece squiro went to Bourenmouth on Monday "they come back tomorrow" so I have taken the opportunity of peace and quiet to get a lot of work done this week as I am so far behind on some stuff its not funny...

I also have had a new door fitted completing the living room varnished it, glossed the skirtings in the hall and the bathroom, stained the garden bench.. and also took delivery of my new fridge freezer which had to sit for twelve hours so I had to bin all my freezer food from the last fridge freezer which has found a new home at my mums.

I also had to get the carpet which is in the living room professionally cleaned as someone had spilled a fresh fruit drink on it which seemed to get worse day by day..

Thursday: went to the neighbours house on Thursday night for a few drinks.

Friday: me and Scott went to Glasgow on Friday night which was pretty good what a difference to get out of Paisley for the night, such a different type of atmosphere and the pubs are very safe and no growlers and people looking for fights.. The club we went to was a bit crappy though it was all that jungle music.. We met a guy from Jamaica who was in the gang the Bloods "shady dude" who we spoke to all night and me and Scott shone on the dance floor and impressed all the chicks he he aye right....

Saturday: woke up at 1.30pm to the phone going my mum asked if I wanted to go for something to eat in the lord lounsdale at 2.30 ish... I was as rough as a badgers.... but I done my duty and went to the pub again had something to eat... and stayed in the pub till the back of ten.. then me, my mum the brother in law and the uncle from Australia went back to my house for some more drinks, talked crap and listened to music from the sixties and seventies.

Sunday: got woken up at 8am by the painter and decorator banging about downstairs and shouting to his mate in the living room.. they were told in no certain terms to F*****g Shut it or I would sort them out.. which they did thankfully so I went back to my beauty sleep till 1ish..

wife comes back tomorrow cannie wait to see her and my wee guy.. strange how its too quiet in the house without them... roll on tomorrow..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Doon the water

Wednesday: Me and the family went doon the water today, to cool ourselves down a wee bit so we went to Largs where we had a wee Nardinis ice cream and then a wee walk about the town which was heavin.. temperature gauge said it was 29.5 degrees hot hot hot…

Then we drove a wee bit up the coast to Seamill “where on an earlier BLOG I had told you about the needle” but anyways we kept our shoes on and me and Junior squiro built a sandcastle, dug a hole so we could bury ourselves and then chased each other about the water discovering crabs and jellyfish..

Smashin stuff

Noo im off to GOMMER’s for a slap up bit of tea and a few beers…

Ta ta for noo


Lordlitch has kindly offered to sponsor me a £1 a stroke in the UK’s first ‘masturbate-a-thon’




god knows how he came upon that link “pardon the pun”




Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hillwalking the Cobbler

What a day, brilliant i took junior squiro "aged 5" and my neice "aged 7" hillwalking today up the cobbler just at Arocher, it was a gorgous day with the sun splitting the trees...

we left at 8am with Mrs Squiro and her friend C as well as the father in law "who is an experienced climber"... the two kids have never done anything like this before or anything close, its a steep walk right up to the base of the mountain and then a scramble up rocks to get to the top "2946 ft" its about 5 and a half miles walking to the base and 5 and a half back so not for the unfit.

the both of them were like mountain cats and loved every minute of it, they were not even phased by the height at the top of the mountain.. so Hats of to them they were brilliant..

I think it will be a bath and an early night for the two of them...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Wedding

what a day, brilliant ...

the wedding was down at a nice wee church in Irvine, then off to Montgrenan House "I think that's how its spelled" then off to Erskine sports centre for the night doo

Montgrenan House was amazing looking I would recommend it to anyone fantastic setting, and fantastic food and the Budweiser was exquisite LOL

I made a right fool of myself "as usual" I was break dancing, showing my monkey to everyone "posing pouch" and then doing handstands "remember I had a kilt on" leaving nothing to the imagination.

The bride and doom looked great all day, brilliant couple with two great kids, unfortunately their older boy took a viral infection during the night and was sick everywhere it was a wee shame.

I had a wee party back at my house afterwards where Mummy squiro was doing her bit for comedian of the year "she's mental LOL" and at about 5am everyone started going home apart from 3 stragglers who crashed in the living room floor..


Saturday 2pm I get up be sick

Saturday 2.30pm I get up be sick

Saturday 3.15 I get up be sick... Get the pattern??

yep I am as rough as a badgers .....

the moral of the last bit... If you drink to excess "which I did" you SUFFER aaaaaahhhhhhhh...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


LordLitch sent me this, its how the world viewed Zidane’s Head butt, pretty good






Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fiscally Challenged

Do you ever have one of those weeks when your Fiscally Challenged.. sorry Skint well this is certainly one of them, all the bills arrive at the same time and your wife asks you I need money to buy a new outfit..


It must happen to us all, everything is going along just swimmingly then all of a sudden bang no money to spend …


Well there is only one way to cure that…


Get the tights on the heed and off to the bank lol

Monday, July 10, 2006

Time to get fit

World cup is now well and truly over and apart from work I don't know what to do with my time.. Cant believe its over, maybe I will watch the re-runs again..

one thing that has been changing ever since the world cup started is my belly size its full of Budweiser and a couple of sizes bigger than what I would prefer..

So its time to get fit first thing this morning I went for about a 2 mile run my god how unfit was I two minutes into the run and I had to stop and walk.. My lungs were bursting and I started to get a stitch, I have not had a stitch since before joining the army at the tender age of 17..

I am going to start doing two things related to fitness per day to get myself and my beer belly in trim, so its off swimming or a bike ride this afternoon... I will either be dead or fit in a months time, call me an optimist but I really hope that I'm not dead and pretty fit ;-)

so no beer apart from at the wedding on Friday for about a month to see how it goes...

keep up to date, if your interested on the blog ...

who ate all the pies.. Me

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The people you meet on trains

scary pictures of some dudes on the train

Fairy good

what a night my head is bursting he he.. now im going to get killed for putting this picture online but hey so what have a look at this guy (picture is on for a limited time only)

Who would make him dress up like this eh?? give you two guesses.. this was the start of the night when we were all sober...

we all went up for a wee trip to Glasgow and had a ball of a time .. hows your ass luke he he ..

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Clay Pigeon shooting

Well the clay pigeon shooting was a huge succes everyone done theirselves proud

Stevie won out of our 4 beating me by one point "dam it" if anyone thinks of booking ask for Ron Howie at the north ayrshire shooting range Dalry. he is spot on.. thanks Ron...

here is a picture of the lot of us the guy in the cowboy hat "which he has to wear all day " (forfiet 1) is the Groom to be , unlucky lol

Friday, July 07, 2006

Thank Crunchie

its friday whehey the day everyone looks forward to unless your on the dole "then its every second friday he he"
one day left to go to the stag day..

clay pigeon shooting... pub .. buffet... pub.... pub... pub....club...strippers wheyhey...

oh and a few surprises look out for the pictures Monday..

oh on another thought two places where people come to in Paisley that are quite prominent Glasgow Airport and the waterfall at the Hamills and what greets them??? pure reeking flesh and "poo" visitors must have a high opinion of us buddies eh... the sewage works at glasgow airport and the tannery at seedhill road...

its great going by the tannery with your son or wife in the car theres ey somebody that says right who was that "what fun i have he he"

visitor: Paisley eh that place reeks o sh** noa goan there...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

headless chicken

do you ever get one of those days where you have the best intentions to get hundreds done yet you go everywhere get nothing done and then wonder what you have done??? exactly like a headless chicken

well its been one of those days, got hardly any work done, fitted my mums bedroom carpet and tried about twenty times to get someones e-commerce store to work and will it ... Nope...

hopefully tomorrow will be different...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Germany v Italy

what a game fantastic end to end entertainment and a fair referee who let the game flow just right.. it was a shame any one of these two teams had to lose but fortunately for the Italians they came good before the Germans clinical finsihing in penalties would have killed them off..

oh got a new neighbour today, after my problems with my anti social neighbour over the last few years it would be great to have someone who is normal "not saying im normal now ;-) "

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Aren't Sundays great, especially when you have been watching the football all day Saturday with friends and Family and with a crate of Bud ...

had a great lie in till twelve oclock only for him upstairs to wake me up with him falling out of bed, alrigh it was thunder and lightning and boy was it loud...

The wife was on the Hen night last night and went to Glasgow, curry followed by a trip to Buffalo Joes she said it was a great night and buffalo joes was great ....

Im not too sure what to do today though, do i do some gardening, do i do some work ? mmm maybe not or do i do some web work on paisley.org.uk or should i just sit on my butt and play some command and conquer he he...

probably the latter...

Also the great things about Sundays fry ups .. had a cracker this afternoon all the trimmings my belly is as full as it can be... well happy...

anyways hope you have a nice sunday too...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Brother in Laws stag dou

I have been over the last week or so planning the humiliation eherm i mean my brother in laws stag doo...

so far "im not going to tell you what we have in store for him properly" we are Clay pigeon shooting in the morning, we were gonna go quad biking but it might be asking too much money from some people on the list... so we are going to go for a buffet in Paisley get tanked up... have a wee surprise he he..

then off to the big smoke ... aye glasga do some pubs and clubs then probably end up googling some scantily clad wimmen WELL IT IS A STAG NIGHT LOL so dont give me any greif...

"i feel as if i was shouting at my Conscience there he he heheheheheheheh" im going slightly mad

Luke out lol look out for the pictures

Paisley.org.uk Forums spam

getting huners of spam postings in the paisley message board, im coping with it though but just wonder what do these people get out of it??? no one in their right mind is going to click on the links to go and buy whatever they are selling and see my nude pics "not really" what.. get a life and f off

it was a lovely start to the monring but for some reason the suns been hiding behind clouds for the last hour... scottish weather eh....

Monday, June 26, 2006

Land of Leather update

Suite arrived... at last.. however

when the delivery guys turned up all looked well the sun was shining, the world cup was on the TV i had beer in the fridge "hence in the fridge and not in my hand"

the guys took out my replacement suite no probs at all...

lets get it in here i thought..

Guys: sorry mate its not going to fit.. its too big to get in your door...


so after some rangling and talking the guys suggested we take it apart a procedure they had done many times.. however its going to cost me £60 plus VAT WHIT......

so anyways i have my suite nicely in my living room and im a bit poorer in the making...

dam Land of Leather and all who sail in her.. my suggestion stay clear...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Land of Leather

whooohooo our suite is finally to arrive on Monday thanks goodness for that .. Well nearly 7 months waiting for a couch is a bit out of order and to the credit of land of leather they kept us purpously in the dark to protect our feelings and also kept our suite away from us as long as possible so to preserve the leather for us.. Thanks guys ..

now lets see how the very enthusiastic "not" removal men get on....

game on

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Camphill High School, foxbar

what a bizzare night, it was the open night for Camphill High School "non o' this glennifer crap" which is closing down this year "you could only dream of it in school" and being demolished for the new one which is being built right beside it..

We went into the tuck shop area where they had pictures of most years apart from this big empty space where you guessed it our year wasnt.. maybe it was one they wanted to forget since i was quite a troublemaker when i was younger maybe they wanted to forget me.. maybes maybe no...

-- wait... Australia just scored a penalty whoohoo come on your soceroos---

anyways where was i ... oh aye no pictures of my year i think i left in 88 maybe 89 at the tender age of sixteen the school was a midden then but now it looks like a hell hole .. totally manky

if i had a child there i would send in the environ mental health team and get them shut down disgusting.. we were taken on a tour by two of the girls who attend the school and it was great to see the old classrooms and talk about old teachers...

Mr Duff the librarian he he i used to lock him in the book cupboard lol
Mrs Boyle jesus she hated me i remember one time going into the classroom and she said "Brian get out" "what for Miss??" "Backchat" lol brilliant memories he he
Mr Jack te mental RE guy who used to swear all the time
Mr McKillop who used to batter me about the classroom me and robbie o'rourke lol
and the daft old gowk who done accounts who's teeth used to fall out when he was shouting at me what was his name again.. ahh mr Anderson.. think he had to retire after my stint in his clas with heart problems.. ahh well lol

what a tink eh....

but im a reformed character now honest...

ahh well back to my beer and the fitba... thank god i dont have to go to school anymore... not that i really did in the first place my mother used to drag me every morning i think by half way into first year she gave up ....

here are some images from the night crap i know but it was the best i could do

The cupboard where i locked the Librarian Mr Duff in he he

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Paisley Weather

well the weather is pishing it doon outside and blowing a gale.. where is our nice summer please bring it back...

On another subject I read a couple of times during the last few days that Hugh Henry wants to meet two englishmen and say sorry for them being beat up at the Phoenix park, now is he going to say sorry to the ones who get beat up down the town and who come from far flung parts of the planet like fegie and foxbar ??? no .. one rule for the english and another rule for the fegs bloody typical get a grip Henry just cause yure noa fae fegie

as my pals dad used to always say when he was drunk "fegie young deciples ya bam"

any not so young deciples out there???


now this is an adictive wee game for the psp here is a demo thats online


Thought for the day

A little girl walks in to the lounge one Sunday morning while her Dad is reading the paper.

Where does poo come from?" she asks.The father feeling a little perturbed that his 5 year old daughter is already asking difficult questions thinks for a moment and says:"Well you know we just ate breakfast?""Yes," answers the girl."Well the food goes into our tummies and our bodies take out all the good stuff, and then whatever is left over comes out of our bums when we go to the toilet, and that is poo."The little girl looks shocked, and stares at him in stunned silence for a few seconds and asks:"And Tigger?"

"thanks to my cousin in Australia for this one"

Monday, June 19, 2006


found this excellent website where you can put a picture of anyone on to a character and make them dance... well how long have i spent on this site and the laughs he he

here is a selection of mine









go on make someone say and send them a muglet


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fathers Day

Nice relaxing Sunday, after fridays hassle its a nice change, got an email from my mate who is a mercenary in Baghdad he has been sending me some images of home made bombs "IDE's" and asking me had i came across them or something similar in my time in bomb disposal, the pictures were of very crude bombs that were basically bags which could be dropped from a car or pedestrian and the effect of such devices could cause massive damage which if you see the news every day they work...

typically though his spirits are very high "x-British Soldier too" and has a sense of humour about such things its kind of a case of get on with it and do the job...

he also was IT when he was here and we both worked together on a few things so he sent me through this funny picture of an excellent upgrade to a computer "if only"

Anyways Big T keep your head down and take care mate... made me think of him whilst i was relaxing in the safety of my home back in Paisley.....

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ups and Downs

what a day of contrast,

there was me nothing scheduled for today so i thought i would take the morning off and go for a wee saunter up Ben Lomond "i love hill walking" i had last been up the day before hogmany and done the last leg of the west highland way from the devils staircase to Fort william in blizzard conditions let me tell you "i had kind of knackered my knee so today was my first test of it"

what a great walk up to the summit, we couldnt see a thing up there as the cloud was quite low and fairly windy.. we left this morning at 6am and got there for 7.30am and finished back down for 12.15pm so not a bad effort but unfortunately half way down my knee popped so its a bit of a state as i sit here and type...

ALSO when i was half way down i decided to switch my phone back on.. 10 messages .. oh shi* whats going on .. everyone complaining about the email not working on one of my servers...

thats just what i need just when im miles from any internet access never mind i will try and call... no signal ahh jobbees

anyways back to Paisley for about 3pm and get everything sorted aparently my host had problems nationwide so i wasnt the only one affected.. not much consilation but ... ahh well...

so today was of Ups "the summit which is great" and Downs my knee and the bloody servers...

but chin up and get on with it...


here is a wee site that will cheer you up

It tells you how many hours and how many seconds you have been alive on
this earth and when you were probably conceived. After you've finished
reading the info, click again, and see what the moon looked like the
night you were born.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Football Mad

found this video of football streakers, watch out for the guy wearing the scarf.. just priceless


im still laughing

Monday, June 12, 2006


Just to say thanks to all the Volunteers who have helped me on paisley.org.uk "Paisley on the web" website, without their help I would really be struggling to keep it as up to date as it is...

  • So big thanks to Margaret who helps answer the emails and keeps visitors informed.
  • Thanks to Mhairi who has a constant stream of new events flooding into the events page.
  • Indiah who constantly keeps a beady eye on the proof reading side of the website as I am constantly making errors.. oops
  • Wee Vic, spot on he helps everywhere, what can i say but thanks
  • Esther, Alfie, Nathan, Les, Hollowhorn and everyone else who helps in th site..
  • And last but not least the Museum and Library section of the council, they have been great.

Just thought it was about time I thanked the ones who help out all the time..



Sunday, June 11, 2006

World Cup

Well i have square eyes and a belly full of beer, the world cup so far has been excellent...

we had a BBQ yesterday for my brother in laws birthday, what a laugh have you ever seen 6 drunken guys watch the world cup then go out and play football between games thinking they are all Ronaldos ?? then thats what we tried and failed to do .. what a bunch of idiots "me included lol"

well just another month left whooohooo

mines is a bud cheers...


Friday, June 09, 2006

Sad news

Just watched the sad news of three brothers who have a debilitating brain illness which will eventually kill the three of them, the parents were interviewed and looked to be totally traumatized by events and even learning their oldest son has a much more aggressive form of the disease...
this was heart renching to hear that the disease was incurable, also that one of the sons needs a bone marrow transplant so he is awaiting a match..
Now this is where others could help. Register with the Anthony Nolan Trust of which I already have done son about a year or so ago.. It is easy to do so, go to this website and register and who knows you could save a life one day.
my heart goes out to the parents of the smith boys...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Cracking day in Paisley

what weather we are having at the moment fantastic ... I was up at the St Enochs centre today and just sitting in the sun was very relaxing... just makes you wonder what Scottish people would be like if we had this kind of weather all the time.. would we be as chilled out as the spanish ? or as cultural "if you can say that" as the french i.e outside cafees etc

but one thing as for sure is i might not be as peely wally as i am just now.. i am still white as a ghost.. more sun me thinks lol

Monday, June 05, 2006

World Cup

getting in the mood now and cant wait...

this wee clip will help you fill out the time waiting...


who are you going to support since our wee nations not in the world cup???

well there is no secret who i am supporting.. yup its England

shame on me lol

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Scottish Beaches

What a great weekend, the weather has been ace.. Unfortunately I have been having some major pains in my neck, side and chest which has been unbearable.

I went to the Chiropractor on Friday where the doctor there said my muscles were extremely tight and said I was best to come back in the morning to continue treatment... I couldn't get up the next day and had to take some strong painkillers to ease the pain before going back down to the chiropractors but even after getting a major doing from the doctor its still the same.. So I couldn't take junior squiro swimming on Saturday Mrs Squiro and granny squiro took him instead..

I picked them up and said if they fancied a wee drive to Largs for an hour or two since the weather was great..

Largs was bustling with people and it was great Junior squiro and niece squiro both enjoyed themselves no end on the bouncy castle and the small rides on the front..

I decided to take them to Seamill where the beach is cracking nice sandy front and not many people about.. Spot on..

so the two kids were paddling away with no shoes on and having a right old laugh...

I looked at something poking up from the sand and thought someone has put a pen in the beach I better dispose of it before someone stands on it...

on pulling it out of the sand I discovered to my HORROR it was a Fu****g syringe dirty junkie Ba*****s who in their right mind would leave something like this on a beach where kids play innocently.. These junkies need shot in fact I would shoot the bloody lot of them...

so much for the cleanliness of the beach that just shows you what there is on our beaches a few years ago the only thing you had to worry about was broken glass... But a bloody syringe my god what is the world coming too..?????

Friday, June 02, 2006

Crappy week

what a week and one to forget, first of all Monday, my car was broken into, nothing too serious though as i might have accidently left the door unlocked some amateur burglar riffled through my glove compartment and took nothing... but what really pissed me off was he chucked junior squiro's car seat out into the rain... i hope thier next jobee is a hedgehog..

Tuesday, the pipes under my floorboards burst "read the blog further down"

Wednesday, junior squiro pulls a pot full of hot wax down on himself from the kitchen surface and has minor burns to his arm, his cry was so painful it was un bearable as a paernt to cope with.. But junior squiro showed he was one brave cookie whilst Mrs squiro had to peel back the hot wax from his arm... thankfully he is fine and will heal within a few days...

thursday, one of my servers starts to give me trouble and crashes.. luckily i have a backup plan which kicks into action...

friday, the wifes just put on big brother .. need i say anymore??? lol

so a week to forget roll on next week... where i am going to make a million pounds...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pipe problems

what a day, woke up with a hangover from hell after a weekend of relaxation and booze..

man from the council chapped my door early on and said that there was water pouring from my house in to the house below... ahhh jobbees i thought... as we have just had a new carpet and plywood screwed down on our floor so it was a 4-5 hour job to lift the carpet and ply

blinking nightmare ahhltellye

the plumber found two holes in the radiator pipe which were not even put by me they were done when the pipes were laid by the council 12 years ago.. bizarre they had rusted that much the movement of the floor had caused them to crack and like two gushing fountains flood the downstairs house...

well that was my day hope yours was better

Monday, May 29, 2006


Im cheerd right up now as i have just discovered that I can order a pizza online and dont have to talk to anyone who cant understand me lol

i checked out dominos pizza www.dominos.co.uk and ordered my meal and twenty minutes later voila its here.. no hasstle absaloootly spot on..

thanks thats put a smile on my face...

Bank Holiday Rant

Bank Holiday monday, great .. i can either do some gardening or put my feet up and whats this on my mobile a missed call from someone a client of mine asking me to call back .. WHAT??? DONT THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY SENSE AT ALL I am entitled to a holiday like the rest of us how dare they...

totally fed up ...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lap Dancing

Now i read in the Paisley Distress today that their is a big fury at the opening of Paisley first lapdancing club, ooooohhh aahhh whit a load of mince.

Their are lap dancing clubs all over Glasgow and they dont do no harm to people who dont want to see them but the most harm they ever do to people are the ones who go in.. as soon as your through that door the only thing they want is your money nothing else...

they are rubbish, now i have an idea to get everything for nothing just let your mate pay for a dance and you watch lol costing you nothing and when he is getting a dance drink his pint...

and when he says its your round, he will still be high from the dance say to him i just got the last ones matey cant you remember has that girls boobs gone to your head already..

but youve got to remember this is a Paisley lap dancing club it will be whoouryoulookinat ya warmer society central yep it will be full of kid on hard men if you pardon the pun

so i wont be near "well thats what i will tell the wife he he"

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Now this is some of the best news I have had in the last 2 and a half years of some frustration to me and my family of squiro's we have had an anti social neighbour who has lived beside us for two and a half years. The person has just been kicked out of the house much to the delight of me and my neighbours who have had so much abuse, people fighting outside our doors .. constant parties, banging, shouting, loud music basically the works and even worse than all that some ned pulled a knife out whilst junior squiro was running to mrs squiro the ned just laughed and walked away..

so hopefully we shall have peace again and our little neighbourhood will return to normal as the people who live in Squiro Street are very nice people and do care about what goes on.. and we couldnt have done without some of them during this time...

so FLAGS OUT lets party "sociably of course"

and a message to people who are going through the same thing "hang in there and do something about it, dont let these scum bags win"

Monday, May 22, 2006


now because i install wireless networks on a frequernt basis now and then i have to call NTL and other ISP's or cable providers to sort out issues such as enabling mac addresses etc..

what astonishes me is that i dont think i have spoken to a proper english speaker in the last year "possibly longer" and being scottish talking to some guy or lassie in the far east isnt easy.. they never understand you and you spend most of your time problem solving your own name

NTL: hello can i have your name

Squiro: Mr Squiro

NTL: Dr Skehero

Squiro: ahh S**t here we go

1 hour later after much frustration

NTL: can i help you with anything else Dr Skehero

Squiro: aye learn Scottish ya doughball

now i am not racist by any means nor do i dislike these people but i just want to speak to someone who understands me ...

I hate Mondays

Every one hates it yes Monday Mornings, all you want to do is cosy up in bed and sleep for another five minutes but you cant cause youve got to make a buck and feed the squiro's and not with giro's "im a poet and i didnt even know it"

on my way to my first port of call i pass by the fringes of Uglyvill and there is a guy walking with a flowery shirt on, no shoes and a cowboy hat staggering all over the place bear in mind its 9.10 am he looked as if he had a fantastic night and will probably wake up sometime today with sore feet and wonder where he put his shoes.. made me laugh

anyways my Monday morning has been a bit different for the last few weeks as i have been a client for my wife at college and they need some one to practice on.. so for the last few weeks its been a massage and some good ol pampering .. what a great way to start off the week i would recommend it...

then its off to workto start the daily slog and fight against computers and their demonic insides...

for any of you that dont know what i do I run my own web design / computer support business and i love it its freedom working for yourself "sometimes lol"

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Not too bad a day today weather wise, so it was garden time, with me and junior squiro and squiro neighbours kid we put up some bird feeders, fed the lawn killed the weeds which was actually quite enjoyable "funny that" ...

just waiting on Scotso for a game of Command and Conquer Zero Hour so I can kick his ass big time...

beers again whoohoo