Thursday, August 03, 2006


What a nightmare week, due to the incompetent people of NTL. First on Monday afternoon there is a strange noise from my modem then all of a sudden it stops working.

I phone up NTL and they say they cant help me as my account is now the 10mb service so they will have to change my account details and then get an engineer out to fit a new modem. Which will take 3 days ...

now I have never been without the internet for more than a few hours never mind three days..

anyways he arrives checks my existing modem says its alright and sends a text and voila he says its alright...


he concedes and fits a new modem... he checks it and says right that's you sorted..

thanks my man... Lets surf..

whoops no internet...

I phone up the ntl number where you get some guy from Newcastle who talks for about an hour before saying whoops this number no longer exists please dial blah blah.. Then the line goes dead,......


phone it again listen for an hour then get through to some technical foreigner who cant bloody understand me.. Anyway I have the wrong pin and I should call customer services

right customer services it is... Automated guy again .. 1 hour later.. Hello welcome to NTHELL how cant I help you...

I answer my name - account - pass - address - date of birth - my last jobee and then he says sorry sir you will have to call back in an hour as we "wish to piss you off some more" are having problems with our systems.. No kidding...


1 hour later to the second

right automated guy piss off and let me talk to a human from preferably this country..

I answer all the questions and ask for my pin number to be changed which the guy does, he then says when you put in the disk it will ask you for your pin...

what disk???? I ask

oh you should have received a disk through the post since your a new customer...

arrrggghhh im not a new customer I have been one for years just get me online ya futwit

sorry sir I will send you through the disk it should arrive with you within 3 to 4 days ...


I hang up and borrow a neighbours disk and then it gives me error after error.. bloody NThell I hate them, I hate them, I hate them,

anyways since I am an IT genius I thought I would share this info with you and show you that sometimes or more the case most times its not your fault but the Futwits at NTHELL

if you can make a choice "which I cant because its the only cable provider" then I suggest going with someone else and done let NTHell darken your door...

but im back online thanks to my superior genius lol

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