Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Dash

I’ve been to a lot of Funerals, but there is none more touching than the Humanist ceremonies which actually speak and celebrate the persons life. The guy who does the humanist funerals at Woodside is great, very touching but yet very funny as you hear about how the person spent their life, not going on about some person we have never met and telling us to idolise something we will never see.


The reason we are there at the funeral is for that person and that person’s family.


There is always a wee poem that he reads out which always touches me and I’m sure everyone else in the chapel, its called the Dash its very emotional.


It was sent to me by someone who themselves is having such a torrid time in their life at the moment, so please reflect on the changes you could possibly make once you have seen this small movie.







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