Friday, August 18, 2006

Scottish Weather - Camping

Wednesday 16th: Ahh the Glorious Scottish weather, its sunny at the moment what can i do?? I have a few days off left and i know lets go camping..

One of our friends has all the gear and will lend us everything for me, the wife, the son and our niece to go camping.

Our friend suggests a lovely spot not far from Dunoon "I’m not telling you exactly where its a secret, so if you want to know email me" she gives us sketchy directions so say the least but since i am very good with directions I’m sure i can find the place..

Off we go with a car load of stuff which beggars belief, when i was in the army we had a sleeping bag and a poncho and a spade not forgetting our lovely ration packs.. but Civilian camping you need, seats, a table, washing up stuff which includes a basin, ground sheets, BLOW UP BEDS, sleeping bags, PILLOWS, cool box, night lights, torches, stoves, pots, pans, frying pan, and the list goes on... we also took enough clothes to keep everyone going for a week..

I took 2 pairs of shorts, two t shirts, a pair of boots and something to keep me warm and dry that was it lol

anyways where was i .. oh yes Christine’s directions "named and shamed" go along this road and you will see an entrance into a field next to a stream .. that was it lol

as we got there, there were hundreds of fields, with streams in one out of five Shit....

and as we are in the middle of nowhere our phones don’t work lol

anyways after much driving back and forward to dunoon to get a reception we find the place, right next to the beach, and a fresh water stream and its got the best scenery ever.. well done Christine your off the hook "i might still kill you though just for being daft".

Now have you ever set up a tent without instructions?? no!! Well its not the easiest i can tell you, after much swearing and cursing i get the tent up, get my beers firmly planked into the stream to cool down "the fridge as i called it" we sit down make a fire and chill out for the night, the kids absolutely loved it. The weather was great...

After a good night’s sleep we wake up roasting as the weather is great again, so we decide to get ready and head to Dunoon for a wee drive.

As we get closer to Dunoon we drive straight into a rain storm, what is going on?? SCOTTISH WEATHER, we decide to head back and discover the rains just as bad where we were camped?? how can this be we left it basking in the sun...

Now as i am fetching some firewood i can hear the thunder coming over the hills "what’s that coming over the hill is it a monster, lol" and it was a monster a monster downpour..

what a miserable couple of hours we had huddled in the tent, bloody terrible, then the lighting sounds as if it’s going to strike the tent literally so we clamber in to the car and decide enough is enough, so we de-camp in the middle of a torrential downpour and head home.. bloody rubbish...


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