Sunday, July 30, 2006

What a week

Sorry for not posting this week, I have not really had time to fart never mind post to the Blog.

Mrs Squiro, junior squiro and niece squiro went to Bourenmouth on Monday "they come back tomorrow" so I have taken the opportunity of peace and quiet to get a lot of work done this week as I am so far behind on some stuff its not funny...

I also have had a new door fitted completing the living room varnished it, glossed the skirtings in the hall and the bathroom, stained the garden bench.. and also took delivery of my new fridge freezer which had to sit for twelve hours so I had to bin all my freezer food from the last fridge freezer which has found a new home at my mums.

I also had to get the carpet which is in the living room professionally cleaned as someone had spilled a fresh fruit drink on it which seemed to get worse day by day..

Thursday: went to the neighbours house on Thursday night for a few drinks.

Friday: me and Scott went to Glasgow on Friday night which was pretty good what a difference to get out of Paisley for the night, such a different type of atmosphere and the pubs are very safe and no growlers and people looking for fights.. The club we went to was a bit crappy though it was all that jungle music.. We met a guy from Jamaica who was in the gang the Bloods "shady dude" who we spoke to all night and me and Scott shone on the dance floor and impressed all the chicks he he aye right....

Saturday: woke up at 1.30pm to the phone going my mum asked if I wanted to go for something to eat in the lord lounsdale at 2.30 ish... I was as rough as a badgers.... but I done my duty and went to the pub again had something to eat... and stayed in the pub till the back of ten.. then me, my mum the brother in law and the uncle from Australia went back to my house for some more drinks, talked crap and listened to music from the sixties and seventies.

Sunday: got woken up at 8am by the painter and decorator banging about downstairs and shouting to his mate in the living room.. they were told in no certain terms to F*****g Shut it or I would sort them out.. which they did thankfully so I went back to my beauty sleep till 1ish..

wife comes back tomorrow cannie wait to see her and my wee guy.. strange how its too quiet in the house without them... roll on tomorrow..

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