Friday, July 07, 2006

Thank Crunchie

its friday whehey the day everyone looks forward to unless your on the dole "then its every second friday he he"
one day left to go to the stag day..

clay pigeon shooting... pub .. buffet... pub.... pub... wheyhey...

oh and a few surprises look out for the pictures Monday..

oh on another thought two places where people come to in Paisley that are quite prominent Glasgow Airport and the waterfall at the Hamills and what greets them??? pure reeking flesh and "poo" visitors must have a high opinion of us buddies eh... the sewage works at glasgow airport and the tannery at seedhill road...

its great going by the tannery with your son or wife in the car theres ey somebody that says right who was that "what fun i have he he"

visitor: Paisley eh that place reeks o sh** noa goan there...

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