Monday, September 11, 2006

weekend blues

I love weekends.. I hate Mondays, see I’m just the same as you.

What a day on Saturday, I went down to the doors open day to get some culture, I arranged through the Paisley site to meet anyone wishing to turn up at 2pm in front of the Paisley Abbey “as the previous night we had a kind of chat party on it was great fun “

Anyways My pal Scott turned up at the town hall and we decided to have a wander about the Town hall, strange how many doors were open this year, last year they closed off too many parts and it was a shame..

This year however we got a right good look about, some of the back bits of the town hall are very grubby and in need of some good attention but I suppose it comes down to budget…

Off to Paisley Abbey, this is my favourite building of all time.. I love it.. Inside is a relaxing, calming atmosphere and shrouded in great history and is full of stories, one tour guide gave us quite a story about the ornate roof that decorates the far side of the abbey, it’s amazing… if anyone has not been inside paisley abbey get in there it’s great..

Then we decided to indulge in a bit of culture, of course you guessed it, The Bull here we come after sampling some culture in there we noticed the arts centre was next on the list, superb… some more glasses culture in fact than we anticipated…

So we decided to head up towards the museum, yep you guessed it we ended up in Hamish’s hoose lol how did we manage that, a that’s right my belly got the better of me and I wanted some smashin steak pie, but unfortunately for me the kitchen was closed…

So it was a change of plan, we had our fill of culture now I wanted steak pie… I know the Wallace lets go there…

A couple of bottles of culture and no steak pie on the menu… Lets go to Café Borgia…

At last steak pie on the menu, and the footballs on the TV, sorted…. Oh and some beautiful barmaids “café Borgia has the best looking barmaids anywhere in the town” the steak pie was great “maybe a bit more gravy would have been better” so we decided to continue with our plan to head towards the museum, yep you guessed it too late… what a shame lol lets go to Russels Uni bar….

After that we head up the road to our two good woman, who kindly agree to let us continue our day of culture and let us head back to the lights of Paisley, to continue our interesting and fun day…

Where did we end up???

Somewhere with plenty of Culture?? Well maybe not

Club Slapper, Vienas, Club 30, Toledo whatever you call it…

Happy days….

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