Tuesday, September 05, 2006


What a washout today is, the weather is rain rain rain.. the clouds are lower than my window lol


Took the wee man to school this morning and before that we had a couple of arguments, you know “im not wearing that jacket” “I don’t want that for my lunch” etc so he got to the school gates and burst out crying, well I have never felt so rotten and had to go and pick him up at 3pm to see if he was alright, which of course he was kids get over these things quicker than adults, we will mull over our decision to shout at him for not doing as their told, kids will take it on the chin and get on with it…




Took him to the dentist this afternoon, our dentist is in Foxbar and the dentist himself is spot on, he has things down to a T as you don’t wait, your straight in, seen, fixed and back out… My son thinks he is great and always wants to go “strange isn’t it lol”


I have to go all the time as I have one tooth that is a major problem sometimes as it has a swollen area on the gum above it that is infected and where it is, will be a nightmare to fix.. so many a trip to the ol dentist for me …


Back to looking at the rain out the window whilst working…

1 comment:

imatis said...

Sounds like you will need a root canal....that should take care of the infections (gumboil on your gum)and any pain.....then you will have the tooth prepared for a crown, keep the tooth from breaking as after a RC your tooth is technically dead and can become brital!