Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Now this is some of the best news I have had in the last 2 and a half years of some frustration to me and my family of squiro's we have had an anti social neighbour who has lived beside us for two and a half years. The person has just been kicked out of the house much to the delight of me and my neighbours who have had so much abuse, people fighting outside our doors .. constant parties, banging, shouting, loud music basically the works and even worse than all that some ned pulled a knife out whilst junior squiro was running to mrs squiro the ned just laughed and walked away..

so hopefully we shall have peace again and our little neighbourhood will return to normal as the people who live in Squiro Street are very nice people and do care about what goes on.. and we couldnt have done without some of them during this time...

so FLAGS OUT lets party "sociably of course"

and a message to people who are going through the same thing "hang in there and do something about it, dont let these scum bags win"

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