Monday, May 15, 2006

Bus Shelter

Monday morning in Paisley and its beautiful Paisley weather "its peeing it doon" and I am on my way to meet Mrs Squiro at Reid Kerr College and the traffic is not bad for 9.10am compared to when the motorway was shut at Glasgow airport "now to be know as Paisley Airport in this Blog" how? casue its in Paisley noa Glasga

anyways as I am passing Abercorn street where aw the old yins wait for their bus tae blackpool and saltcoats and places like that they are all hudled together to hide from the rain.. and it reminds me when I was talking to a few other people aboot this "namely the Paisley development trust (great bunch ow folk)" and we were talkin aboot why is their not a proper shelter for buses in Paisley ??? when i say shelter i mean depot somewhere everyone knows about and is a central point for people to embark on their bus?? and dont say central way as i know your not serious..

its about time there was a proper depot everywhere else has got one why not us??

it makes sense...

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