Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fathers Day

Nice relaxing Sunday, after fridays hassle its a nice change, got an email from my mate who is a mercenary in Baghdad he has been sending me some images of home made bombs "IDE's" and asking me had i came across them or something similar in my time in bomb disposal, the pictures were of very crude bombs that were basically bags which could be dropped from a car or pedestrian and the effect of such devices could cause massive damage which if you see the news every day they work...

typically though his spirits are very high "x-British Soldier too" and has a sense of humour about such things its kind of a case of get on with it and do the job...

he also was IT when he was here and we both worked together on a few things so he sent me through this funny picture of an excellent upgrade to a computer "if only"

Anyways Big T keep your head down and take care mate... made me think of him whilst i was relaxing in the safety of my home back in Paisley.....

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