Sunday, June 04, 2006

Scottish Beaches

What a great weekend, the weather has been ace.. Unfortunately I have been having some major pains in my neck, side and chest which has been unbearable.

I went to the Chiropractor on Friday where the doctor there said my muscles were extremely tight and said I was best to come back in the morning to continue treatment... I couldn't get up the next day and had to take some strong painkillers to ease the pain before going back down to the chiropractors but even after getting a major doing from the doctor its still the same.. So I couldn't take junior squiro swimming on Saturday Mrs Squiro and granny squiro took him instead..

I picked them up and said if they fancied a wee drive to Largs for an hour or two since the weather was great..

Largs was bustling with people and it was great Junior squiro and niece squiro both enjoyed themselves no end on the bouncy castle and the small rides on the front..

I decided to take them to Seamill where the beach is cracking nice sandy front and not many people about.. Spot on..

so the two kids were paddling away with no shoes on and having a right old laugh...

I looked at something poking up from the sand and thought someone has put a pen in the beach I better dispose of it before someone stands on it...

on pulling it out of the sand I discovered to my HORROR it was a Fu****g syringe dirty junkie Ba*****s who in their right mind would leave something like this on a beach where kids play innocently.. These junkies need shot in fact I would shoot the bloody lot of them...

so much for the cleanliness of the beach that just shows you what there is on our beaches a few years ago the only thing you had to worry about was broken glass... But a bloody syringe my god what is the world coming too..?????

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