Friday, June 16, 2006

Ups and Downs

what a day of contrast,

there was me nothing scheduled for today so i thought i would take the morning off and go for a wee saunter up Ben Lomond "i love hill walking" i had last been up the day before hogmany and done the last leg of the west highland way from the devils staircase to Fort william in blizzard conditions let me tell you "i had kind of knackered my knee so today was my first test of it"

what a great walk up to the summit, we couldnt see a thing up there as the cloud was quite low and fairly windy.. we left this morning at 6am and got there for 7.30am and finished back down for 12.15pm so not a bad effort but unfortunately half way down my knee popped so its a bit of a state as i sit here and type...

ALSO when i was half way down i decided to switch my phone back on.. 10 messages .. oh shi* whats going on .. everyone complaining about the email not working on one of my servers...

thats just what i need just when im miles from any internet access never mind i will try and call... no signal ahh jobbees

anyways back to Paisley for about 3pm and get everything sorted aparently my host had problems nationwide so i wasnt the only one affected.. not much consilation but ... ahh well...

so today was of Ups "the summit which is great" and Downs my knee and the bloody servers...

but chin up and get on with it...


here is a wee site that will cheer you up

It tells you how many hours and how many seconds you have been alive on
this earth and when you were probably conceived. After you've finished
reading the info, click again, and see what the moon looked like the
night you were born.

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