Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pipe problems

what a day, woke up with a hangover from hell after a weekend of relaxation and booze..

man from the council chapped my door early on and said that there was water pouring from my house in to the house below... ahhh jobbees i thought... as we have just had a new carpet and plywood screwed down on our floor so it was a 4-5 hour job to lift the carpet and ply

blinking nightmare ahhltellye

the plumber found two holes in the radiator pipe which were not even put by me they were done when the pipes were laid by the council 12 years ago.. bizarre they had rusted that much the movement of the floor had caused them to crack and like two gushing fountains flood the downstairs house...

well that was my day hope yours was better

Monday, May 29, 2006


Im cheerd right up now as i have just discovered that I can order a pizza online and dont have to talk to anyone who cant understand me lol

i checked out dominos pizza www.dominos.co.uk and ordered my meal and twenty minutes later voila its here.. no hasstle absaloootly spot on..

thanks thats put a smile on my face...

Bank Holiday Rant

Bank Holiday monday, great .. i can either do some gardening or put my feet up and whats this on my mobile a missed call from someone a client of mine asking me to call back .. WHAT??? DONT THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY SENSE AT ALL I am entitled to a holiday like the rest of us how dare they...

totally fed up ...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lap Dancing

Now i read in the Paisley Distress today that their is a big fury at the opening of Paisley first lapdancing club, ooooohhh aahhh whit a load of mince.

Their are lap dancing clubs all over Glasgow and they dont do no harm to people who dont want to see them but the most harm they ever do to people are the ones who go in.. as soon as your through that door the only thing they want is your money nothing else...

they are rubbish, now i have an idea to get everything for nothing just let your mate pay for a dance and you watch lol costing you nothing and when he is getting a dance drink his pint...

and when he says its your round, he will still be high from the dance say to him i just got the last ones matey cant you remember has that girls boobs gone to your head already..

but youve got to remember this is a Paisley lap dancing club it will be whoouryoulookinat ya warmer society central yep it will be full of kid on hard men if you pardon the pun

so i wont be near "well thats what i will tell the wife he he"

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Now this is some of the best news I have had in the last 2 and a half years of some frustration to me and my family of squiro's we have had an anti social neighbour who has lived beside us for two and a half years. The person has just been kicked out of the house much to the delight of me and my neighbours who have had so much abuse, people fighting outside our doors .. constant parties, banging, shouting, loud music basically the works and even worse than all that some ned pulled a knife out whilst junior squiro was running to mrs squiro the ned just laughed and walked away..

so hopefully we shall have peace again and our little neighbourhood will return to normal as the people who live in Squiro Street are very nice people and do care about what goes on.. and we couldnt have done without some of them during this time...

so FLAGS OUT lets party "sociably of course"

and a message to people who are going through the same thing "hang in there and do something about it, dont let these scum bags win"

Monday, May 22, 2006


now because i install wireless networks on a frequernt basis now and then i have to call NTL and other ISP's or cable providers to sort out issues such as enabling mac addresses etc..

what astonishes me is that i dont think i have spoken to a proper english speaker in the last year "possibly longer" and being scottish talking to some guy or lassie in the far east isnt easy.. they never understand you and you spend most of your time problem solving your own name

NTL: hello can i have your name

Squiro: Mr Squiro

NTL: Dr Skehero

Squiro: ahh S**t here we go

1 hour later after much frustration

NTL: can i help you with anything else Dr Skehero

Squiro: aye learn Scottish ya doughball

now i am not racist by any means nor do i dislike these people but i just want to speak to someone who understands me ...

I hate Mondays

Every one hates it yes Monday Mornings, all you want to do is cosy up in bed and sleep for another five minutes but you cant cause youve got to make a buck and feed the squiro's and not with giro's "im a poet and i didnt even know it"

on my way to my first port of call i pass by the fringes of Uglyvill and there is a guy walking with a flowery shirt on, no shoes and a cowboy hat staggering all over the place bear in mind its 9.10 am he looked as if he had a fantastic night and will probably wake up sometime today with sore feet and wonder where he put his shoes.. made me laugh

anyways my Monday morning has been a bit different for the last few weeks as i have been a client for my wife at college and they need some one to practice on.. so for the last few weeks its been a massage and some good ol pampering .. what a great way to start off the week i would recommend it...

then its off to workto start the daily slog and fight against computers and their demonic insides...

for any of you that dont know what i do I run my own web design / computer support business and i love it its freedom working for yourself "sometimes lol"

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Not too bad a day today weather wise, so it was garden time, with me and junior squiro and squiro neighbours kid we put up some bird feeders, fed the lawn killed the weeds which was actually quite enjoyable "funny that" ...

just waiting on Scotso for a game of Command and Conquer Zero Hour so I can kick his ass big time...

beers again whoohoo

Friday, May 19, 2006

the peeman

now some serious dood has created a blog and peeple should sit up and luke "for LordLitch - its meant to be tongue in cheek scottish speak ;-) " at it .. the peeman has entered in fact double entered the blog world ... catch his blog here


some man/thing/gommer who knows the gommer ??

me im the gommer.... and im drunk .. ach whoouryoolokinat


Passing the west end of Paisley today and noticed that the centre of all ugliness is closed doon, yep the inshot pub is closed maybe its a makeover or something that i clearly have missed as the big bits of wood and the metal door look much better, but does anyone agree with me that the top of well street is Uglyvill the people around this area just look miserable and rough as a badgers.. "now dont take that as a slander on people from the west end as they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, and i am from the west end" dam maybe that why i look so good ;-) now whenever your passing this centre of ugliness have a look around and you will discover for yourself... oh and if your ever going by and think ah i will just use the cashpoint at the co-op think again as this could be the most dangerous descision of your puff

its a jungle out there lol


Thursday, May 18, 2006


On my way to Clydebank the day, i pass over the now "FREE" passage across the clyde across the Erskine Bridge, which thanfully all the mini hitlers have been removed from who used to demand 60p to travel across the sewage dump but now thanks to the Labour controlled parliament they removed the trolls sorry tolls from the bridge..

now if they could only bring the price of a litre of petrol down a few tenners then i would "ok might" be happy...

god a i feel homesick being this far away from Paisley....

"that was a joke by the way"

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bus Drivers

Taking junior squiro to nursery this morning and everything is going great, I pick up nephew squiro and we head to nursery.

Low and behold the whole road is held up by robin hood the bus driver, he sits there with his big cheesy grin feeling his ticket machine up and making small talk with the people who hate his guts and just want to get to work there are mums and dads 10 cars long behind him and about the same behind me. But does he care ???


he just sits there and thinks the world is great because he is holding up the whole world "which he owns of course"

a couple of gentle peeps of the horn and a nice friendly hand gesture makes it clear that I wish him to put his foot on the accelerator and move out of folks way.. Which he courteously does with no cursing towards me and the other fellow drivers he is holding up "the buffoon that he is"

Bus drivers who like them???

"I used to be one but I was the exception LOL"

anyways lets hope my day goes better as Mrs Squiro is in for a wee op so fingers crossed that she heals quickly and the surgeon is successful in removing my wallet from her... ;-)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Squiro Becomes a GOMMER

Thanks to Piero from Hamishes hoose www.hamisheshoose.com for making me an honorary member of the GOMMER society "i think it stands for Grumpy Old Men something something etc he he " piero let me know ;-)

but I am so pleased to be bestowed this honour so many thanks to all those who are GOMMER's too...

goan yersel


Just to let people know that i am not open to any sort of corruption, especially to those nice people at Finelines who do exeptionally smashing portraits and they are amazing wedding photographers "my wedding is testimony" so if you want to check out more about finelines go to www.finelines.co.uk but let me tell you I'm a good egg and no way vulnerable to the greedy eye of corporate evil...

"psssst cash only please ;-)"

Bus Shelter

Monday morning in Paisley and its beautiful Paisley weather "its peeing it doon" and I am on my way to meet Mrs Squiro at Reid Kerr College and the traffic is not bad for 9.10am compared to when the motorway was shut at Glasgow airport "now to be know as Paisley Airport in this Blog" how? casue its in Paisley noa Glasga

anyways as I am passing Abercorn street where aw the old yins wait for their bus tae blackpool and saltcoats and places like that they are all hudled together to hide from the rain.. and it reminds me when I was talking to a few other people aboot this "namely the Paisley development trust (great bunch ow folk)" and we were talkin aboot why is their not a proper shelter for buses in Paisley ??? when i say shelter i mean depot somewhere everyone knows about and is a central point for people to embark on their bus?? and dont say central way as i know your not serious..

its about time there was a proper depot everywhere else has got one why not us??

it makes sense...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Land of Leather

have you ever bought a suite out of Land of Leather??? then share your encounters good or bad, my dealings with them have been less than favourable

First of all we bought our new corner suite in January, we paid cash for a Brown corner suite, they only had two colours to pick from cream or brown.

now we were told that our corner suite will arrive in approx 12 weeks time.. no problems we can wait, as we can redecorate the living room and not have any paint spill on the new furniture.,

so 12 weeks on we get a phone call from Land of Leather, the man on the phone speaks to my wife and says Hello Mrs Squiro "alright the names have been changed to protect the innocent" this is Land of Leather

Mrs Squiro: oh brilliant when is my new corner suit being delivered
LOL: sorry there has been a problem the colour of suite you ordered is not being made anymore
Mrs Squiro: oh
LOL: the colour you picked is no longer being made you only have brown and cream to pick from
Mrs Squiro: but we ordered brown
LOL: oh we can re-order it for you
Mrs Squiro: when will it be delivered then
LOL: another 12 weeks approx
Mrs Squiro: WHAT!!!!!!!
LOL: Im afraid there is nothing we can do it is a suppliers problem


so anyways to cut a long story short we have now been waiting since January for our suite to come, LOL have gave us a temporary loan of there 2 seater recliner "it was meant to be a 3 and 2 seater but the delivery guys didnt want to try getting the 3 seater out the lorry in case it hurt my door??"


I have phoned back on numerous occasions but always told we have to wait until there much bigger supplier from overseas ships the corner suite over from cornersuitistan and there is nothing they can do about it...


I am extremely peeved with the whole thing and LOL have been less than helpful surely someone should have noticed that they didnt do brown corner suites and should have told us to order the new brown

I will keep you up to date on our progress with the laugh out loud crowd "we got your money and we dont care" in future blogs

squiro.... cornersuiteless

Paisley Vision Board

Now this wont be the first blog i will be doing about this mob, the secretive sect called the Paisley Vison Board who do not disclose their identity nor what they do .. so sssshhhhh if you hear about them or what they do then dont tell a soul ... well apart from us and we promise not to publish anything that you say...


why is Paisley dying on its feet with this mob at the helm???

answers on a postcard.....


Now where do i start with this, the M8 at Glasgow Airport is finally re-opened and that should help with the traffic on the one way system at the Royal Bank of Scotland as it has been a complete nightmare, Renfrew Road has been a virtual car park and getting anywhere fast is just not on..

Now some bright spark has done some more roadworks before Maxwelton on Canal street on the other side of the Paisley ring road just to catch drivers out on that side.. is ther any logical thinking in our roads department "you know who im talking about"

also Glasgow road has more traffic lights just to slow traffic down even further so we dont get above 5mph on that side of town.. every couple of inches there is another set of lights.. and you will have to watch out for the roiting pupils of Paisley Grammar School so keep your heed about you...

My First Sunday 14th May 2006

Hi there my name is squiro not my real name of course but its my cover name ha

I run a large website for my local town of Paisley, Scotland the sites name is Paisley on the web www.paisley.org.uk

I am going to share with you my encounters and experiences that hapen to me whilst out and about in my wee toon.

If something pees me off then it will go in here if something is great about my town "and a lot is great about Paisley" then it will go in here...

If i offend you then start up your own Blog and let your voice be heard...

so let it begin ;-)