Sunday, July 30, 2006

What a week

Sorry for not posting this week, I have not really had time to fart never mind post to the Blog.

Mrs Squiro, junior squiro and niece squiro went to Bourenmouth on Monday "they come back tomorrow" so I have taken the opportunity of peace and quiet to get a lot of work done this week as I am so far behind on some stuff its not funny...

I also have had a new door fitted completing the living room varnished it, glossed the skirtings in the hall and the bathroom, stained the garden bench.. and also took delivery of my new fridge freezer which had to sit for twelve hours so I had to bin all my freezer food from the last fridge freezer which has found a new home at my mums.

I also had to get the carpet which is in the living room professionally cleaned as someone had spilled a fresh fruit drink on it which seemed to get worse day by day..

Thursday: went to the neighbours house on Thursday night for a few drinks.

Friday: me and Scott went to Glasgow on Friday night which was pretty good what a difference to get out of Paisley for the night, such a different type of atmosphere and the pubs are very safe and no growlers and people looking for fights.. The club we went to was a bit crappy though it was all that jungle music.. We met a guy from Jamaica who was in the gang the Bloods "shady dude" who we spoke to all night and me and Scott shone on the dance floor and impressed all the chicks he he aye right....

Saturday: woke up at 1.30pm to the phone going my mum asked if I wanted to go for something to eat in the lord lounsdale at 2.30 ish... I was as rough as a badgers.... but I done my duty and went to the pub again had something to eat... and stayed in the pub till the back of ten.. then me, my mum the brother in law and the uncle from Australia went back to my house for some more drinks, talked crap and listened to music from the sixties and seventies.

Sunday: got woken up at 8am by the painter and decorator banging about downstairs and shouting to his mate in the living room.. they were told in no certain terms to F*****g Shut it or I would sort them out.. which they did thankfully so I went back to my beauty sleep till 1ish..

wife comes back tomorrow cannie wait to see her and my wee guy.. strange how its too quiet in the house without them... roll on tomorrow..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Doon the water

Wednesday: Me and the family went doon the water today, to cool ourselves down a wee bit so we went to Largs where we had a wee Nardinis ice cream and then a wee walk about the town which was heavin.. temperature gauge said it was 29.5 degrees hot hot hot…

Then we drove a wee bit up the coast to Seamill “where on an earlier BLOG I had told you about the needle” but anyways we kept our shoes on and me and Junior squiro built a sandcastle, dug a hole so we could bury ourselves and then chased each other about the water discovering crabs and jellyfish..

Smashin stuff

Noo im off to GOMMER’s for a slap up bit of tea and a few beers…

Ta ta for noo


Lordlitch has kindly offered to sponsor me a £1 a stroke in the UK’s first ‘masturbate-a-thon’


god knows how he came upon that link “pardon the pun”




Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hillwalking the Cobbler

What a day, brilliant i took junior squiro "aged 5" and my neice "aged 7" hillwalking today up the cobbler just at Arocher, it was a gorgous day with the sun splitting the trees...

we left at 8am with Mrs Squiro and her friend C as well as the father in law "who is an experienced climber"... the two kids have never done anything like this before or anything close, its a steep walk right up to the base of the mountain and then a scramble up rocks to get to the top "2946 ft" its about 5 and a half miles walking to the base and 5 and a half back so not for the unfit.

the both of them were like mountain cats and loved every minute of it, they were not even phased by the height at the top of the mountain.. so Hats of to them they were brilliant..

I think it will be a bath and an early night for the two of them...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Wedding

what a day, brilliant ...

the wedding was down at a nice wee church in Irvine, then off to Montgrenan House "I think that's how its spelled" then off to Erskine sports centre for the night doo

Montgrenan House was amazing looking I would recommend it to anyone fantastic setting, and fantastic food and the Budweiser was exquisite LOL

I made a right fool of myself "as usual" I was break dancing, showing my monkey to everyone "posing pouch" and then doing handstands "remember I had a kilt on" leaving nothing to the imagination.

The bride and doom looked great all day, brilliant couple with two great kids, unfortunately their older boy took a viral infection during the night and was sick everywhere it was a wee shame.

I had a wee party back at my house afterwards where Mummy squiro was doing her bit for comedian of the year "she's mental LOL" and at about 5am everyone started going home apart from 3 stragglers who crashed in the living room floor..


Saturday 2pm I get up be sick

Saturday 2.30pm I get up be sick

Saturday 3.15 I get up be sick... Get the pattern??

yep I am as rough as a badgers .....

the moral of the last bit... If you drink to excess "which I did" you SUFFER aaaaaahhhhhhhh...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


LordLitch sent me this, its how the world viewed Zidane’s Head butt, pretty good



Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fiscally Challenged

Do you ever have one of those weeks when your Fiscally Challenged.. sorry Skint well this is certainly one of them, all the bills arrive at the same time and your wife asks you I need money to buy a new outfit..


It must happen to us all, everything is going along just swimmingly then all of a sudden bang no money to spend …


Well there is only one way to cure that…


Get the tights on the heed and off to the bank lol

Monday, July 10, 2006

Time to get fit

World cup is now well and truly over and apart from work I don't know what to do with my time.. Cant believe its over, maybe I will watch the re-runs again..

one thing that has been changing ever since the world cup started is my belly size its full of Budweiser and a couple of sizes bigger than what I would prefer..

So its time to get fit first thing this morning I went for about a 2 mile run my god how unfit was I two minutes into the run and I had to stop and walk.. My lungs were bursting and I started to get a stitch, I have not had a stitch since before joining the army at the tender age of 17..

I am going to start doing two things related to fitness per day to get myself and my beer belly in trim, so its off swimming or a bike ride this afternoon... I will either be dead or fit in a months time, call me an optimist but I really hope that I'm not dead and pretty fit ;-)

so no beer apart from at the wedding on Friday for about a month to see how it goes...

keep up to date, if your interested on the blog ...

who ate all the pies.. Me

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The people you meet on trains

scary pictures of some dudes on the train

Fairy good

what a night my head is bursting he he.. now im going to get killed for putting this picture online but hey so what have a look at this guy (picture is on for a limited time only)

Who would make him dress up like this eh?? give you two guesses.. this was the start of the night when we were all sober...

we all went up for a wee trip to Glasgow and had a ball of a time .. hows your ass luke he he ..

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Clay Pigeon shooting

Well the clay pigeon shooting was a huge succes everyone done theirselves proud

Stevie won out of our 4 beating me by one point "dam it" if anyone thinks of booking ask for Ron Howie at the north ayrshire shooting range Dalry. he is spot on.. thanks Ron...

here is a picture of the lot of us the guy in the cowboy hat "which he has to wear all day " (forfiet 1) is the Groom to be , unlucky lol

Friday, July 07, 2006

Thank Crunchie

its friday whehey the day everyone looks forward to unless your on the dole "then its every second friday he he"
one day left to go to the stag day..

clay pigeon shooting... pub .. buffet... pub.... pub... wheyhey...

oh and a few surprises look out for the pictures Monday..

oh on another thought two places where people come to in Paisley that are quite prominent Glasgow Airport and the waterfall at the Hamills and what greets them??? pure reeking flesh and "poo" visitors must have a high opinion of us buddies eh... the sewage works at glasgow airport and the tannery at seedhill road...

its great going by the tannery with your son or wife in the car theres ey somebody that says right who was that "what fun i have he he"

visitor: Paisley eh that place reeks o sh** noa goan there...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

headless chicken

do you ever get one of those days where you have the best intentions to get hundreds done yet you go everywhere get nothing done and then wonder what you have done??? exactly like a headless chicken

well its been one of those days, got hardly any work done, fitted my mums bedroom carpet and tried about twenty times to get someones e-commerce store to work and will it ... Nope...

hopefully tomorrow will be different...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Germany v Italy

what a game fantastic end to end entertainment and a fair referee who let the game flow just right.. it was a shame any one of these two teams had to lose but fortunately for the Italians they came good before the Germans clinical finsihing in penalties would have killed them off..

oh got a new neighbour today, after my problems with my anti social neighbour over the last few years it would be great to have someone who is normal "not saying im normal now ;-) "

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Aren't Sundays great, especially when you have been watching the football all day Saturday with friends and Family and with a crate of Bud ...

had a great lie in till twelve oclock only for him upstairs to wake me up with him falling out of bed, alrigh it was thunder and lightning and boy was it loud...

The wife was on the Hen night last night and went to Glasgow, curry followed by a trip to Buffalo Joes she said it was a great night and buffalo joes was great ....

Im not too sure what to do today though, do i do some gardening, do i do some work ? mmm maybe not or do i do some web work on or should i just sit on my butt and play some command and conquer he he...

probably the latter...

Also the great things about Sundays fry ups .. had a cracker this afternoon all the trimmings my belly is as full as it can be... well happy...

anyways hope you have a nice sunday too...