Friday, September 29, 2006

Flash Rider Game

Found this wee gem on the net it’s a cracker had me hooked all lunchtime..

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Porn star Name

And the old favourite the porn star name mine is Dicky Peachybutt

try it here

The Birth Defect Name Generator

My Defect's name is Brain Fart the dribble undies.
Take The Birth Defect Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Billy Badboy Whipple

Have you got your trailer trash name yet??

Mine is pretty cool, I think I might change through deed pole

whats your name??

mine is Billy Badboy Whipple

my sons is Wayne Whipple

and my wifes is Jolene Crossbones

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


What a couple of days I have had, all my servers went down and every client called just about at the same time, and then called every hour of most of the day up until the back of 12 last night and the back of 6 this morning…


Thank goodness that its all back to normal and I can get some work done.


Joe from  is cracking on big time with the loft and I also had some help with my lights from Robert at Signo Lighting as well as all my materials purchased via Pacific Building who saved me a packet so Thanks Brian, its good to have some good help and advice available….


Now for some much needed restless sleep…

Websites Update 13.11

all website and email now live...

Friday, September 22, 2006

First Video Blog

RHA - Renfrewshire Council

I received my formal ballot paper through this morning for the transfer of the housing stock from Renfrewshire Council to the new Renfrewshire Housing Association, now I like others have been bombarded by leaflets, dvd’s people chapping your door, telephone calls, you name it its happened..


Its all about moving to another private landlord to effect..


And it does matter that I have read all the leaflets etc but to be honest wouldn’t things just be the same if I voted No!!?


I ask you to think carefully about what and how you vote, don’t just say Yes because that’s what the majority of leaflets say you do, and don’t just say no because some socialist guy says you do


Think about it yourself and do vote, but make sure its in your interest and not someone else’s that  motivate your choice…


I will be voting Yes, not that the promise of a new kitchen or that my rent will stay low “aye right” Im just happy for it to be moved to the RHA but  they are certainly in for a hard time if they fail us.. I will make sure of that…



Got a massive headache this morning, and awoke to 2 kids screaming and laughing "had my neice stay last night" they 2 are crazy, even worse i have my 2 sisters kids to watch next saturday as the wife and all the wuman "aye i meant to spell it like that" have an Anne Summers party arranged by my wee sister, so they will be talking about Rampant Rabbits and i will be talking about Peter Rabbit ha..

Also I want to take my other wee nephew on the friday night as Ive not seen him much the last few weeks, him and his wee brother "both of them are cute as hell" so next week will be a kid zone in my house, I must be a glutton for punishment lol..

had a wee problem with my son this week in school, he kept coming back with a full lunchbox which is not like him as he loves his food especially since their were biscuits in the lunchbox...

anyways every morning before we go to school he has said he didnt want to go and tried kidding on he wasnt well, now obviously this isnt a good sign, so i spoke to his teacher and she said he was always weary of the lunchtime rush with all the kids racing to get to their lunchbox before any other kid, and my poor wee guy being last because he doesnt like crowds especially crowds of kids "who could blame him" anyways i took him down showed him where to put his lunchbox and the classroom assistant helped him at lunchtime.

At the end of the day he was so happy and a big relief from me, so fingers crossed everything is sorted with him, its amazing how such a small thing can be a huge hurdle for such a young person....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

new website

I’m doing a new website for a group in Clydebank who do the cassettes for people who are visually impaired or blind, they are quite a special group in such a way as these people give up their spare time to read the newspaper and books etc to record it onto tapes and cds then post them out to the countless numbers of people who rely on their kindness every day to keep in touch with the world through the media…


They rely totally on donations and funding, so if you could help them or spare a bit of time get in touch look out for the new website…

deal or no deal

Got my tickets trough to appear in the audience in Bristol at the Deal or no Deal studios next month, my mum is a huge fan so that’s what made me apply for tickets, so I got 4 so a couple of days away which sounds good to me wheyhey..

Monday, September 18, 2006

Paisley Distress

I read in the Paisley distress today about the vandalism of Robert Tanahills grave, how shocking is this that people can do this what kicks do they get out of it?? I wonder, i see it all the time in the paper about people desecrating other peoples graves, is there not any security at cemetries ??? maybe there should be .. we are supposed to be at peace when we die..

what goes around comes around as i say, so hopefully these people have it coming to them...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

paulo nutini

Just listened to paulo nutini's album, and i tell you what a talented guy, his album is fantastic a must for any person to listen to and buy.. and the guy is from Paisley too, now when i started the famous people section in i only had one or two people in the section, now with young talent coming through like this paisley should be proud once again....

go on Paulo your the man... guid luck

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Ice cream van in Fegie

honest this is the ice cream van that went aboot fegie when i stayed there lol

Scottish Ice Cream Lady - video powered by Metacafe

Monday, September 11, 2006

weekend blues

I love weekends.. I hate Mondays, see I’m just the same as you.

What a day on Saturday, I went down to the doors open day to get some culture, I arranged through the Paisley site to meet anyone wishing to turn up at 2pm in front of the Paisley Abbey “as the previous night we had a kind of chat party on it was great fun “

Anyways My pal Scott turned up at the town hall and we decided to have a wander about the Town hall, strange how many doors were open this year, last year they closed off too many parts and it was a shame..

This year however we got a right good look about, some of the back bits of the town hall are very grubby and in need of some good attention but I suppose it comes down to budget…

Off to Paisley Abbey, this is my favourite building of all time.. I love it.. Inside is a relaxing, calming atmosphere and shrouded in great history and is full of stories, one tour guide gave us quite a story about the ornate roof that decorates the far side of the abbey, it’s amazing… if anyone has not been inside paisley abbey get in there it’s great..

Then we decided to indulge in a bit of culture, of course you guessed it, The Bull here we come after sampling some culture in there we noticed the arts centre was next on the list, superb… some more glasses culture in fact than we anticipated…

So we decided to head up towards the museum, yep you guessed it we ended up in Hamish’s hoose lol how did we manage that, a that’s right my belly got the better of me and I wanted some smashin steak pie, but unfortunately for me the kitchen was closed…

So it was a change of plan, we had our fill of culture now I wanted steak pie… I know the Wallace lets go there…

A couple of bottles of culture and no steak pie on the menu… Lets go to Café Borgia…

At last steak pie on the menu, and the footballs on the TV, sorted…. Oh and some beautiful barmaids “café Borgia has the best looking barmaids anywhere in the town” the steak pie was great “maybe a bit more gravy would have been better” so we decided to continue with our plan to head towards the museum, yep you guessed it too late… what a shame lol lets go to Russels Uni bar….

After that we head up the road to our two good woman, who kindly agree to let us continue our day of culture and let us head back to the lights of Paisley, to continue our interesting and fun day…

Where did we end up???

Somewhere with plenty of Culture?? Well maybe not

Club Slapper, Vienas, Club 30, Toledo whatever you call it…

Happy days….

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Anthony Nolan Trust Update

Got my letter back this morning from the Anthony Nolan Trust and it seems that I am a 95% match for a donor, obviously they have to look for a 100% donor which would be better, but I am a match in any case so it shouldn’t be long before I hear back again for the final testing and then the operation to transplant my stem cells to the recipient, if and when it does happen..


Unless of course the 100% match is found…


Remember you can help someone today by signing up for the Anthony Nolan Trust to become a bone marrow donor today…



Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Death of our troops

It saddens me to hear of more British Soldiers getting killed in conflicts in the middle east, being an X-squaddie myself I know what the colleges of the dead will be feeling right now.


We should feel very proud of what those guys are going through right now… Support our troops God knows they need it…


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


What a washout today is, the weather is rain rain rain.. the clouds are lower than my window lol


Took the wee man to school this morning and before that we had a couple of arguments, you know “im not wearing that jacket” “I don’t want that for my lunch” etc so he got to the school gates and burst out crying, well I have never felt so rotten and had to go and pick him up at 3pm to see if he was alright, which of course he was kids get over these things quicker than adults, we will mull over our decision to shout at him for not doing as their told, kids will take it on the chin and get on with it…




Took him to the dentist this afternoon, our dentist is in Foxbar and the dentist himself is spot on, he has things down to a T as you don’t wait, your straight in, seen, fixed and back out… My son thinks he is great and always wants to go “strange isn’t it lol”


I have to go all the time as I have one tooth that is a major problem sometimes as it has a swollen area on the gum above it that is infected and where it is, will be a nightmare to fix.. so many a trip to the ol dentist for me …


Back to looking at the rain out the window whilst working…

Monday, September 04, 2006

the price of energy

I can’t believe the price of our electricity at the moment, I have a pre payment meter “powercard” and recently my money has been running away, take last night for instance we just had the pc on, the tv and sky box with a  few lights on here and there.


I looked at the meter and it said 14pence in credit, well I nearly s*** myself and drove as quick as I could to the local shop and back which is about five minutes round trip, by the time I came back the meter said 04 pence… just made it


So basically I had 5.04 pence in my meter at 9pm last night…


Now I looked again today at 12pm now no one was in the house all morning and we never had anything on during the night.. we had 3.70 left ??? now where did it go??


How are old buddies going to get along this winter, I am seriously worried for them, they will be sitting with the heating off and loads of clothes wrapped around them, and I will tell you something I fear for what will happen to a lot of them…


What’s going on, im not really political but this government need to get kicked out and/or get something done… it’s a shambles…


Bloody energy crisis…..  


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Being quiet

Ive been quite quiet this week, not like me im sure you will agree.

Been mostly busy with work driving here to this client and then to the next, hopefully this week will see me have more spare time..

Even had a quiet weekend so far, yesterday i went to the pub with my father in law and brother in law down to the Lord Lounsdale and watched Scotland beat some diddy team "lol" 6-0 the fitba wasnt that great but hey you cant grumble at the score.. well done lads...

Back up the road for about 7pm where we had a full house so we sat for a few more beers before my beers caught up with me about 11pm then i had to go to bed..

Going across to dumbarton today to fix a pc then i will probably have a few more beers when i come back lol

well it is the weekend..