Tuesday, March 13, 2007

1and1 internet technical support dont give a dam

This is my recent email to 1and1.co.uk technical support, who over the last few weeks have been driving me crazy, I am on the verge of F*****g going mental with them.

In my opinion they dont listen and dont want to I only have three servers and an exchange account with them, a lot for some but for these guys I am little and not to be seen nor heard as long as I pay them my money they dont care..

If anyone is thinking of going with 1and1 dedicated servers DONT the servers are good but these guys support is shocking.

anyway here we go

Sometimes the way that you treat your customers is verging on the diabolical

Tonight I have a problem with email not being delivered from my root server, so I try the usual, reboot the server – restart the services – see if there is a mail blockage etc but nope nothing out of the ordinary.

So I decide to phone your support which at 2100 hours UK time goes through to the US

My problem is that I can send mail from one server to another and also to my exchange account “internally in 1and1” but no mail is arriving at any outside email i.e yahoo, hotmail, any other domain name etc..

I explain this to the support personnel, who says its not our problem it must be with your server “now this happens a lot when I speak to one of you guys” now how can it be my server when it is leaving the server to go to another server “no settings have changed since it was last working and it was working well”..

What do we pay our money for every month??? What is the point of you guys if you don’t even want to help?

I run an IT support company and when a client says they have a problem I try and find the root of the problem, providing them with a service, not telling them its nothing to do with me…

I have also been passed from pillar to post on my request for the termination of my windows server, now I have said time and time again it does not work for my company’s needs so I would like it shut down “I am quite willing to pay for the contract to be terminated” BUT NO ONE LISTENS…

What is happening am I just small fry and you don’t want to waste your valuable time on me??? For a good few years I had passed my compliments onto many a person who now have servers with you guys, but this will be stopping from now on and I will be saying what a dam shambles you guys are, you don’t listen and you don’t answer any support requests, so why should anyone go with you?? I wonder.

I only have two small problems and want them answered. 1 why are emails not reaching an external source and 2. when can my question on my windows server be answered to a satisfactory result?

I will also be putting this email on my blog, emailing internet journalists and magazines and also trying to generate support for people to stand up to your lack of respect for the small trader, you should be held accountable some way..

As you can see I am raging at what I see is a disgrace.


Brian McGuire

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with you! 1and1.com was awesome the last two years but the last 3-4 months have been hell. My company uses them exclusively for domain registration and now about half (500+) of our domains aren't functioning....most of those are a simple http redirect.

I get a new story from Tech support each time I call.