Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Paisley Panda gets friendly with local supporter

if only everyone had tourette syndrom.


I nearly fell of my chair when the woman comes in and calls the other woman a carwash ….





Monday, January 22, 2007


just in case anyone is in here looking to see what has happened to their websites, one of my servers is down at the moment but it will be back up soon, seems that it failed during the night whilst doing a Backup all other servers are funtioning as they should.. so only a limited number of clients will be affected.. so please accept my apology and be assured it will be back online as soon as i can...


Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year

Sorry for no postings in December its far too busy a month for some me time..

well what has been happening in the world of Squiro... well we have a new arrival, No not the human kind but the dog kind

let me introduce you to my new wee pal "pest" Buddie

He is a Labradoodle a cross between a standard poodle and a labrador, he is supposed to be hyper allargenic and they dont cast as many hairs as normal dogs, his fur is just so soft just like his head, he is crazy lol a right wee bundle of fun...

We had a quiet Christmas "so plenty of time to get some gaming in on my New X box 360" and a quiet new year apart from Hogmany with the weather the wind was dangerous and we had some tiles blown off our roof but with the noise of it happening we thought our roof had fell in it was that bad...

Well its Monday morning and i really should be getting some work done as i have a list the size of my arm to get through "nightmare" so anyways back to normality ... crap isnt it...

All the best